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APA Honors Five NIH'ers

Five psychologists from NIH have been awarded the 2004 Meritorious Research Service Commendation from the American Psychological Association (APA). The award recognizes outstanding psychologists who help foster the discipline through their program activities in support of psychological science.

The recipients are:
Dr. Ronald P. Abeles, special assistant to the director, Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, OD. He is recognized for raising the standards of psychological science, increasing the skill levels of researchers and introducing psychologists to cutting edge interdisciplinary research through his leadership roles at the National Institute on Aging, OBSSR and the health and behavior coordinating committee at NIH.

Dr. Israel I. Lederhendler is chief of the Basic Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience Research Program at the National Institute of Mental Health. He also serves as interim director of electronic research administration at NIH. He is recognized for his advocacy of outstanding psychological research at NIMH and for his dedication to the interests and needs of psychological researchers.

Dr. G. Reid Lyon is chief of the Child Development and Behavior Branch, NICHD. He is recognized for his leadership of the branch and for enhancing the understanding and appreciation of psychological science to members of Congress, the President of the United States, and the educational community. In addition, his direction of the program on reading and learning disabilities has had a major impact on the shaping of education research and public policy decisions.

Dr. Willo Pequegnat is associate director for prevention, translation and international research and NIMH senior prevention scientist at the Center for Mental Health Research on AIDS in the Division of Mental Disorder, Behavioral Research and AIDS, NIMH. She is recognized for her leadership role in HIV prevention research initiatives and for her mentoring of young behavioral scientists entering the field of AIDS behavioral research.

Dr. Anita M. Sostek is director, Division of Clinical and Population-Based Studies, Center for Scientific Review. She is recognized for her leadership at CSR, and for ensuring that reviews are fair, equitable and maintain the highest of scientific standards. In addition, she has served as an outstanding mentor and source of information to scientists in the field.

The recipients of the 2004 commendations will be honored at the December 2004 APA board of directors meeting and at a luncheon at the spring 2005 meeting of APA's board of scientific affairs.

Alumni Association Bestows Honors

Shown at the NIH Alumni Association's recent annual meeting are (from l ) Dr. Claude Lenfant, recently retired NHLBI director, who received the NIHAA 2004 Award for Service to NIH; the Honorable Paul G. Rogers, former congressman from Florida, who received the 2004 NIHAA Public Service Award; and Dr. Leonard D. Fenninger, at NCI (1952-1954), head of General Medicine Branch, and NIH associate director (1969-1973), who traveled from Evanston, Ill., to attend the meeting. Joan Kleinman, head of Rep. Chris Van Hollen's (D-MD) district office in Rockville, talked to the group about issues facing NIH since 9/11. The NIHAA is now in its 16th year and membership is open to past as well as present NIH staff. J. Paul Van Nevel, retired director of the Office of Cancer Communications, is the new NIHAA president. For more information about the organization, call (301) 530-0567 or visit
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