Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Table 5 Speed Comparison with Changes in Traffic Control Devices

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Route Function class Measured speed (mph) Initial AES (mph) Updated AES (mph) Change
US 41A 2 43.7 60.4 41.3 12 signals added
US 68 2 47.9 59.9 46.1 9 signals added, lower speed limits (up to 30 mph reduction)
KY 107 7 47.4 52.3 52.4 2 stop signs added
KY 109 7 46.2 59.6 55.6 11 signals added
KY 164 7 51.2 56.5 48.2 Lower speed limit (up to 10 mph reduction)
KY 380 16 32.0 23.2 25.2 1 signal removed
US 41 16 31.6 39.5 35.2 1 signal added, lane width reduced
KY 911 17 36.8 30.0 34.9 1 signal removed
KY 1007 17 32.0 27.9 32.0 Speed limit increased (up to 10 mph)

Key: AES = average estimated speed.

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