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Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996

November 13, 1996

P.L. 104-333

One Hundred Fourth Congress
of the
United States of America


Begun and held at the City of Washington on Wednesday,
the third day of January, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six


To provide for the administration of certain Presidio
properties at minimal cost to the Federal taxpayer, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United States of America in Congress assembled,



This Act may be cited as the "Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996".

Sec. 1. Short title and table of contents.



Sec. 101. Findings.
Sec. 102. Authority and responsibility of the Secretary of the Interior.
Sec. 103. Establishment of the Presidio Trust.
Sec. 104. Duties and authorities of the Trust.
Sec. 105. Limitations on funding.
Sec. 106. General Accounting Office study.


Sec. 201. Yucca House National Monument boundary adjustment.
Sec. 202. Zion National Park boundary adjustment.
Sec. 203. Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore boundary adjustment.
Sec. 204. Independence National Historical Park boundary adjustment.
Sec. 205. Craters of the Moon National Monument boundary adjustment.
Sec. 206. Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument boundary adjustment.
Sec. 207. Wupatki National Monument boundary adjustment.
Sec. 208. Walnut Canyon National Monument boundary modification.
Sec. 209. Butte County, California land conveyance.
Sec. 210. Taos Pueblo land transfer.
Sec. 211. Colonial National Historical Park.
Sec. 212. Cuprum, Idaho relief.
Sec. 213. Relinquishment of interest.
Sec. 214. Modoc National Forest.
Sec. 215. Conveyance to City of Sumpter, Oregon.
Sec. 216. Cumberland Gap National Historical Park.
Sec. 217. Alpine School District.
Sec. 218. Merced Irrigation District land exchange.
Sec. 219. Father Aull site transfer.
Sec. 220. Coastal Barrier Resources System.
Sec. 221. Conveyance to Del Norte County Unified School District.


Sec. 301. Targhee National Forest land exchange.
Sec. 302. Anaktuvuk Pass land exchange.
Sec. 303. Alaska Peninsula subsurface consolidation.
Sec. 304. Snowbasin Land Exchange Act.
Sec. 305. Arkansas and Oklahoma land exchange.
Sec. 306. Big Thicket National Preserve.
Sec. 307. Lost Creek land exchange.
Sec. 308. Cleveland National Forest land exchange.
Sec. 309. Sand Hollow land exchange.
Sec. 310. Bureau of Land Management authorization for fiscal years 1997 through 2002.
Sec. 311. Kenai Natives Association land exchange.


Sec. 401. Rio Puerco watershed.
Sec. 402. Old Spanish Trail.
Sec. 403. Great Western Scenic Trail.
Sec. 404. Hanford Reach Preservation.
Sec. 405. Lamprey Wild and Scenic River.
Sec. 406. West Virginia National Rivers Amendments of 1996.
Sec. 407. Technical amendment to the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.
Sec. 408. Protection of North St. Vrain Creek, Colorado.


Sec. 501. The Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail.
Sec. 502. Vancouver National Historic Reserve.
Sec. 503. Extension of Kaloko-Honokohau Advisory Commission.
Sec. 504. Amendment to Boston National Historic Park Act.
Sec. 505. Women's Rights National Historic Park.
Sec. 506. Black Patriots Memorial Extention.
Sec. 507. Historically black colleges and universities historic building restoration and preservation.
Sec. 508. Memorial to Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sec. 509. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation reauthorization.
Sec. 510. Great Falls Historic District, New Jersey.
Sec. 511. New Bedford National Historic Landmark District.
Sec. 512. Nicodemus National Historic Site.
Sec. 513. Unalaska.
Sec. 514. Japanese American Patriotism Memorial.
Sec. 515. Manzanar National Historic Site.
Sec. 516. Recognition and designation of the AIDS Memorial Grove as national memorial.


Sec. 601. United States Civil War Center.
Sec. 602. Corinth, Mississippi, Battlefield Act.
Sec. 603. Revolutionary War and War of 1812 Historic Preservation Study.
Sec. 604. American battlefield protection program.
Sec. 605. Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Parks.
Sec. 606. Shenandoah Valley battlefields.
Sec. 607. Washita Battlefield.


Sec. 701. Ski area permit rental charge.
Sec. 702. Delaware Water Gap.
Sec. 703. Glacier Bay National Park.


Sec. 801. Limitation on park buildings.
Sec. 802. Appropriations for transportation of children.
Sec. 803. Feral burros and horses.
Sec. 804. Authorities of the Secretary of the Interior relating to museums.
Sec. 805. Volunteers in parks increase.
Sec. 806. Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day.
Sec. 807. Fort Pulaski National Monument, Georgia.
Sec. 808. Laura C. Hudson Visitor Center.
Sec. 809. Robert J. Lagomarsino Visitor Center.
Sec. 810. Expenditure of funds outside authorized boundary of Rocky Mountain National Park.
Sec. 811. Dayton aviation.
Sec. 812. Prohibition on certain transfers of national forest lands.
Sec. 813. Grand Lake Cemetery.
Sec. 814. National Park Service administrative reform.
Sec. 815. William B. Smullin Visitor Center.
Sec. 816. Calumet Ecological Park.
Sec. 817. Acquisition of certain property on Santa Cruz Island.
Sec. 818. National Park Agreements.


Sec. 901. Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor.
Sec. 902. Illinois and Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor.



Sec. 1001. Short title.
Sec. 1002. Findings and purposes.
Sec. 1003. Definitions.
Sec. 1004. Establishment of Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve.
Sec. 1005. Administration of National Preserve.
Sec. 1006. Limited authority to acquire.
Sec. 1007. Advisory Committee.
Sec. 1008. Restriction on authority.
Sec. 1009. Authorization of appropriations.


Sec. 1011. Palisades Interstate Park Commission.


Sec. 1021. Recreation lakes.
Sec. 1022. Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness expansion and fossil forest protection.
Sec. 1023. Opal Creek Wilderness and Scenic Recreation Area.
Sec. 1024. Upper Klamath Basin ecological restoration projects.
Sec. 1025. Deschutes Basin ecosystem restoration projects. Sec. 1026. Bull Run protection.
Sec. 1027. Oregon Islands Wilderness, additions.
Sec. 1028. Umpqua River land exchange study: policy and direction.
Sec. 1029. Boston Harbor Islands Recreation Area.
Sec. 1030. Natchez National Historical Park.
Sec. 1031. Substitution of timber for canceled timber sale.
Sec. 1032. Rural electric and telephone facilities.
Sec. 1033. Federal borough recognition.
Sec. 1034. Extension of statute of limitations.
Sec. 1035. Regulation of fishing in certain waters of Alaska.
Sec. 1036. Credit for reconveyance.
Sec. 1037. Radio site report.


Sec. 1101. Program funding.



Sec. 101. Short title.
Sec. 102. Findings.
Sec. 103. Establishment.
Sec. 104. Contractual agreement.
Sec. 105. Eligible resources.
Sec. 106. Coal heritage management plan.
Sec. 107. Sunset.
Sec. 108. Authorization of appropriations.


Sec. 201. Findings and purposes.
Sec. 202. Definitions.
Sec. 203. Tennessee Civil War Heritage Area.
Sec. 204. Compact.
Sec. 205. Management.
Sec. 206. Duties and authorities of Secretary.
Sec. 207. Savings provisions.
Sec. 208. Sunset.
Sec. 209. Authorization of appropriations.


Sec. 301. Findings.
Sec. 302. Purpose.
Sec. 303. Designation of Augusta Canal National Heritage Area.
Sec. 304. Management.
Sec. 305. Management plan.
Sec. 306. Grants and technical assistance.
Sec. 307. Acquisition of real property.
Sec. 308. Occupational, safety, conservation, and environmental regulation.
Sec. 309. Land use regulation.
Sec. 310. Sunset.
Sec. 311. Authorization of appropriations.


Sec. 401. Short title.
Sec. 402. Findings and purpose.
Sec. 403. Steel Industry American Heritage Area.
Sec. 404. Compact.
Sec. 405. Management plan.
Sec. 406. Authorities and duties of management entity.
Sec. 407. Duties and authorities of Federal agencies.
Sec. 408. Sunset.
Sec. 409. Authorization of appropriations.


Sec. 501. Findings and purpose.
Sec. 502. Definitions.
Sec. 503. Designation of National Heritage Area.
Sec. 504. Management entity.
Sec. 505. Duties of the Secretary.
Sec. 506. Private property.
Sec. 507. Sunset.
Sec. 508. Authorization of appropriations.


Sec. 601. Short title.
Sec. 602. Findings and purpose.
Sec. 603. Definitions.
Sec. 604. South Carolina National Heritage Corridor.
Sec. 605. Management entity.
Sec. 606. Duties of the Secretary.
Sec. 607. Sunset.
Sec. 608. Authorization of appropriations.


Sec. 701. Findings and purposes.
Sec. 702. Definitions.
Sec. 703. Establishment of the America's Agricultural Heritage Partnership.
Sec. 704. Establishment of the America's Agricutural Heritage Partnership management entity.
Sec. 705. Partnership management plan.
Sec. 706. Land use regulation and private property protection.
Sec. 707. Sunset.
Sec. 708. Authorization of appropriations.


Sec. 801. Short title.
Sec. 802. Findings and purpose.
Sec. 803. Definitions.
Sec. 804. Ohio & Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor.
Sec. 805. The Ohio & Erie National Canal Heritage Corridor Committee.
Sec. 806. Powers and duties of the National Heritage Corridor Committee.
Sec. 807. Management entity.
Sec. 808. Duties of the management entity.
Sec. 809. Duties and authorities of Federal agencies.
Sec. 810. Lack of effect on land use regulation and private property.
Sec. 811. Sunset.
Sec. 812. Authorization of appropriations.


Sec. 901. Short title.
Sec. 902. Findings.
Sec. 903. Purposes.
Sec. 904. Hudson River Valley American Heritage Area.
Sec. 905. Compact.
Sec. 906. Management plan.
Sec. 907. Authorities and duties of management entities.
Sec. 908. Duties and authorities of Federal agencies.
Sec. 909. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 910. Sunset.




208 Walnut Canyon National Monument Boundary Modification (Coconino National Forest) - HR562 (Hayworth R-AZ), S231 - This legislation would add 1,239 acres of National Forest System lands to Walnut Canyon National Monument.

209 Butte County, California Land Conveyance (Plumas National Forest) - Doolittle (R-CA) and Herger (R-CA) - This title would authorize and direct conveyance of 30 acres of Federal land to 16 claimants to resolve boundary issues.

210 Taos Pueblo Land Transfer (Carson National Forest) - HR101 (Richardson D-NM) - The bill would transfer 764 acres of land within the Wheeler Peak Wilderness of the Carson National Forest to the Department of Interior to be held in trust for the Pueblo of Taos.

212 Cuprum, Idaho Relief (Payette National Forest) - S1196 (Craig R-ID) - This bill would transfer 7 acres from the Payette National Forest to Cuprum Townsite.

214 Modoc National Forest Boundary Expansion Act - HR1585 (Herger R-CA) - The bill facilitates the completion of an equal value land exchange with the Bank of California.

215 Conveyance to City of Sumpter, Oregon - HR1581 (Cooley R-OR) - This bill would convey 1.43 acres to the City of Sumpter, Oregon. Most of the parcel was donated to the Forest Service by the City of Sumpter in 1949; the area is currently under a free special use permit as a city park to the City of Sumpter.

217 Alpine School District (Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest) - HR3547 (Hayworth R-AZ) - This bill would convey 40 acres of NF lands to Alpine School District.

221 Conveyance to Del Norte County Unified School District (Six Rivers) - HR2709 (Riggs R-CA) - This bill would convey 3.78 acres in the Six Rivers National Forest to Del Norte County School District.

301 Targhee National Forest Land Exchange - HR529 (Crapo R-ID) - This bill would authorize the exchange of National Forest System lands currently occupied by the North Fork Recreation residence tract on the Targhee National Forest for a 95 acre parcel of private land within the National Forest.

304 Snowbasin Land Exchange Act (Wasatch-Cache National Forest) - S1371 (Sen. Hatch R-UT), HR2402, HR2824, HR3907 (Hansen R-UT) - These bills would direct an exchange of 1,320 acres of federally owned land for private lands of approximately equal value owned by the Sun Valley Company in the State of Utah. The legislation would direct that the exchange be made without delay to facilitate construction of ski facilities in time for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games.

305 Arkansas and Oklahoma Land Exchange (Ouachita National Forest) - S1025 (Sen. Bumpers D-AR) - The bill directs an exchange of lands, mineral interests, and oil and gas interests with Weyerhauser Company.

306 Big Thicket National Preserve Land Exchange (Texas)- HR 826 (Wilson D-TX) - The bill extends the time frame for a land exchange among several agencies and a private landowner.

307 Lost Creek Land Exchange (Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest) (S. 103 Baucus, D-MT and S. 1571 Burns, R-MT) - This bill would direct a land exchange in Montana involving the Brand S Corporation and the Forest Service to resolve checkerboard ownership.

308 Cleveland National Forest Land Exchange - HR207 - (Cox, R-CA) - This bill would direct conveyance of 43 acres of National Forest land in the Cleveland National Forest to the Orange County Council of the Boy Scouts of America.

401 Rio Puerco Watershed (Cibola and Santa Fe National Forests) - This bill would direct a study and management plan be completed for the Rio Puerco watershed in New Mexico.

402 Old Spanish Trail - Two bills introduced: S 587, Campbell, R-CO and H.R. 2728, Hefley, R-CO) - These bills would amend the National Trails System Act to study the Old Spanish Trail, which begins in Santa Fe, New Mexico and ends in Los Angeles and Northern Branch of the Old Spanish Trail for potential inclusion in the National Trails System.

403 Great Western Scenic Trail - HR531 (Rep. Hansen R-UT) - This bill would direct a study for establishment of the Great Western Scenic Trail, which begins at the Arizona-Mexico boarder and extends north to the Idaho-Montana-Canada border.

407 Technical Amendment to the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act - This technical amendment numbers paragraphs referring to Wild and Scenic Rivers and Study Rivers.

408 Protection of North St. Vrain Creek, Colorado - This title seeks to protect North St. Vrain Creek by prohibiting any impoundment on a section of the creek, and by directing land exchanges with the City of Longmont Colorado.

701 Ski Area Permit Rental Charge - S907 (Murkowski, R-AK) & HR1527 (Young, R-AK) - This provision would change the way rental charges are calculated for all ski area permits on National Forests.

806 Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day - The bill changes the name of the Federal Lands Cleanup Day to the Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day as recognition of one of the founders of the cleanup effort.

812 Prohibition on Certain Transfers of National Forest Lands (Angeles National Forest - Elsmere Canyon) - S939 (Boxer D-CA) & HR 924 (McKeon R-CA) - The bill would prohibit any land transfers from the Angeles National Forest from being used as a sanitary landfill.

1021Recreation Lakes - S1844 (Murkowski, R-AK) - This bill establishes an advisory commission to complete a study of water related recreation opportunities on federally managed artificially created lakes and reservoirs. In addition, the commission would develop alternatives to enhance these recreation opportunities.

1023 Opal Creek Wilderness and Scenic Recreation Area (Willamette National Forest) - S1662 (Hatfield, R-OR) - This title establishes the Opal Creek Wilderness, adding approximately 13,212 acres of the Willamette National Forest to the National Wilderness Preservation System. It also establishes the Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area (13,013 acres). These designations do not take effect until certain lands and interests are donated to the United States. This title also designates parts of Elkhorn Creek as a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System.

1026Bull Run Watershed Protection - S1662 (Hatfield, R-OR) - This title places additional restrictions on cutting trees within the hydrologic boundary of the Bull Run River Drainage. It calls for a study of the Little Sandy Watershed in the Bull Run Management Unit in order to determine the impact of activities on the quality of drinking water provided to the Portland Metropolitan area.

1028Umpqua River Land Exchange Study: Policy and Direction - Sen. Hatfield (R-OR). This title is a study and report of land exchange opportunities in the Umpqua River Basin.

1036Credit for Reconveyance (Tongass National Forest) - This title would authorize the Cape Fox Native Corporation in Alaska to up to 320 acres of the Beaver Falls Hydroelectric Project to the United States as part of an equal value exchange.

1037Radio Site Report (San Bernardino National Forest - Inspiration Point) - (Bono R-CA) - This title would direct the Secretary of Agriculture to review the management of a radio site to determine if an FM antenna on site is in the public interest and to report the findings to the appropriate House and Senate Committees.


(a) DEFINITIONS.--In this section:

(1) BULL OF THE WOODS WILDERNESS.--The term "Bull of the

Woods Wilderness" means the land designated as wilderness by section 3(4) of the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984 (Public Law 98- 328; 16 U.S.C. 1132 note).

(2) OPAL CREEK WILDERNESS.--The term "Opal Creek Wilderness" means certain land in the Willamette National Forest in the State of Oregon comprising approximately 12,800 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled "Proposed Opal Creek Wilderness and Scenic Recreation Area", dated July 1996.

(3) SCENIC RECREATION AREA.--The term "Scenic Recreation Area" means the Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area, comprising approximately 13,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled "Proposed Opal Creek Wilderness and Scenic Recreation Area", dated July 1996 and established under subsection (c)(1)(C).

(4) SECRETARY.--The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Agriculture.

(b) PURPOSES.--The purposes of this section are--

(1) to establish a wilderness and scenic recreation area to protect and provide for the enhancement of the natural, scenic, recreational, historic and cultural resources of the area in the vicinity of Opal Creek;

(2) to protect and support the economy of the communities of the Santiam Canyon; and

(3) to provide increased protection for an important drinking water source for communities served by the North Santiam River.


(1) ESTABLISHMENT.--On a determination by the Secretary under paragraph (2)--

(A) the Opal Creek Wilderness, as depicted on the map described in subsection (a)(2), is hereby designated as wilderness, subject to the provisions of the Wilderness Act of 1964, shall become a component of the National Wilderness System, and shall be known as the Opal Creek Wilderness;

(B) the part of the Bull of the Woods Wilderness that is located in the Willamette National Forest shall be incorporated into the Opal Creek Wilderness; and

(C) the Secretary shall establish the Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area in the Willamette National Forest in the State of Oregon, comprising approximately 13,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map described in subsection (a)(3).

(2) CONDITIONS.--The designations in paragraph (1) shall not take effect unless the Secretary makes a determination, not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this title, that the following conditions have been met:

(A) the following have been donated to the United States in an acceptable condition and without encumbrances:

(i) all right, title, and interest in the following patented parcels of land--

(I) Santiam Number 1, mineral survey number 992, as described in patent number 39-92-0002, dated December 11, 1991;

(II) Ruth Quartz Mine Number 2, mineral survey number 994, as described in patent number 39-91-0012, dated February 12, 1991;

(III) Morning Star Lode, mineral survey number 993, as described in patent number 36-91-0011, dated February 12, 1991;

(ii) all right, title, and interest held by any entity other than the Times Mirror Land and Timber Company, its successors and assigns, in and to lands located in section 18, township 8 south, range 5 east, Marion County, Oregon, Eureka numbers 6, 7, 8, and 13 mining claims; and

(iii) an easement across the Hewitt, Starvation, and Poor Boy Mill Sites, mineral survey number 990, as described in patent number 36-91-0017, dated May 9, 1991. In the sole discretion of the Secretary, such easement may be limited to administrative use if an alternative access route, adequate and appropriate for public use, is provided.

(B) a binding agreement has been executed by the Secretary and the owners of record as of March 29, 1996, of the following interests, specifying the terms and conditions for the disposition of such interests to the United States Government--

(i) The lode mining claims known as Princess Lode, Black Prince Lode, and King Number 4 Lode, embracing portions of sections 29 and 32, township 8 south, range 5 east, Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon, the claims being more particularly described in the field notes and depicted on the plat of mineral survey number 887, Oregon; and

(ii) Ruth Quartz Mine Number 1, mineral survey number 994, as described in patent number 39-91-0012, dated February 12, 1991.


(A) Lands or interests in lands conveyed to the United States under this subsection shall be included in and become part of, as appropriate, Opal Creek Wilderness or the Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area.

(B) On acquiring all or substantially all of the land located in section 36, township 8 south, range 4 east, of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon, commonly known as the Rosboro section by exchange, purchase from a willing seller, or by donation, the Secretary shall expand the boundary of the Scenic Recreation Area to include such land.

(C) On acquiring all or substantially all of the land located in section 18, township 8 south, range 5 east, Marion County, Oregon, commonly known as the Time Mirror property, by exchange, purchase from a willing seller, or by donation, such land shall be included in and become a part of the Opal Creek Wilderness.


(1) IN GENERAL.--The Secretary shall administer the Scenic Recreation Area in accordance with this section and the laws (including regulations) applicable to the National Forest System.


(A) IN GENERAL.--Not later than 2 years after the date of establishment of the Scenic Recreation Area, the Secretary, in consultation with the advisory committee established under subsection (e)(1), shall prepare a comprehensive Opal Creek Management Plan (Management Plan) for the Scenic Recreation Area.

(B) INCORPORATION IN LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.-- Upon its completion, the Opal Creek Management Plan shall become part of the land and resource management plan for the Willamette National Forest and supersede any conflicting provision in such land and resource management plan. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to supersede the requirements of the Endangered Species Act or the National Forest Management Act or regulations promulgated under those Acts, or any other law.

(C) REQUIREMENTS.--The Opal Creek Management Plan shall provide for a broad range of land uses, including--

(i) recreation;

(ii) harvesting of nontraditional forest products, such as gathering mushrooms and material to make baskets; and

(iii) educational and research opportunities.

(D) PLAN AMENDMENTS.--The Secretary may amend the Opal Creek Management Plan as the Secretary may determine to be necessary, consistent with the procedures and purposes of this section.


(A) IN GENERAL.--Not later than 1 year after the date of establishment of the Scenic Recreation Area, the Secretary shall review and revise the inventory of the cultural and historic resources on the public land in the Scenic Recreation Area developed pursuant to the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-328; 16 U.S.C. 1132).

(B) INTERPRETATION.--Interpretive activities shall be developed under the management plan in consultation with State and local historic preservation organizations and shall include a balanced and factual interpretation of the cultural, ecological, and industrial history of forestry and mining in the Scenic Recreation Area.


(A) IN GENERAL.--Except as provided in this subparagraph, motorized vehicles shall not be permitted in the Scenic Recreation Area. To maintain reasonable motorized and other access to recreation sites and facilities in existence on the date of enactment of this title, the Secretary shall prepare a transportation plan for the Scenic Recreation Area that--

(i) evaluates the road network within the Scenic Recreation Area to determine which roads should be retained and which roads should be closed;

(ii) provides guidelines for transportation and access consistent with this section;

(iii) considers the access needs of persons with disabilities in preparing the transportation plan for the Scenic Recreation Area;

(iv) allows forest road 2209 beyond the gate to the Scenic Recreation Area, as depicted on the map described in subsection (a)(2), to be used by motorized vehicles only for administrative purposes and for access by private inholders, subject to such terms and conditions as the Secretary may determine to be necessary; and

(v) restricts construction or improvement of forest road 2209 beyond the gate to the Scenic Recreation Area to maintaining the character of the road as it existed upon the date of enactment of this Act, which shall not include paving or widening. In order to comply with subsection (f)(2), the Secretary may make improvements to forest road 2209 and its bridge structures consistent with the character of the road as it existed on the date of enactment of this Act.


(A) IN GENERAL.--Subject to applicable Federal and State law, the Secretary shall permit hunting and fishing in the Scenic Recreation Area.

(B) LIMITATION.--The Secretary may designate zones in which, and establish periods when, no hunting or fishing shall be permitted for reasons of public safety, administration, or public use and enjoyment of the Scenic Recreation Area.

(C) CONSULTATION.--Except during an emergency, as determined by the Secretary, the Secretary shall consult with the Oregon State Department of Fish and Wildlife before issuing any regulation under this subsection.


(A) IN GENERAL.--Subject to subparagraph (B), the Secretary shall prohibit the cutting and/or selling of trees in the Scenic Reservation Area.


(i) IN GENERAL.--Subject to clause (ii), the Secretary may allow the cutting of trees in the Scenic Recreation Area only--

(I) for public safety, such as to control the continued spread of a forest fire in the Scenic Recreation Area or on land adjacent to the Scenic Recreation Area;

(II) for activities related to administration of the Scenic Recreation Area, consistent with the Opal Creek Management Plan; or

(III) for removal of hazard trees along trails and roadways.

(ii) SALVAGE SALES.--The Secretary may not allow a salvage sale in the Scenic Recreation Area.


(A) subject to valid existing rights, all lands in the Scenic Recreation Area are withdrawn from--

(i) any form of entry, appropriation, or disposal under the public lands laws;

(ii) location, entry, and patent under the mining laws; and

(iii) disposition under the mineral and geothermal leasing laws.


(A) Nothing in this section shall be construed to interfere with or approve any exploration, mining, or mining- related activity in the Bornite Project Area, depicted on the map described in subsection (a)(3), conducted in accordance with applicable laws.

(B) Nothing in this section shall be construed to interfere with the ability of the Secretary to approve and issue, or deny, special use permits in connection with exploration, mining, and mining-related activities in the Bornite Project Area.

(C) Motorized vehicles, roads, structures, and utilities (including but not limited to power lines and water lines) may be allowed inside the Scenic Recreation Area to serve the activities conducted on land within the Bornite Project.

(D) After the date of enactment of this Act, no patent shall be issued for any mining claim under the general mining laws located within the Bornite Project Area. (9) WATER IMPOUNDMENTS.--Notwithstanding the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 791a et seq.), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission may not license the construction of any dam, water conduit, reservoir, powerhouse, transmission line, or other project work in the Scenic Recreation Area, except as may be necessary to comply with the provisions of paragraph (8) with regard to the Bornite Project.


(A) RECOGNITION.--Congress recognizes recreation as an appropriate use of the Scenic Recreation Area.

(B) MINIMUM LEVELS.--The management plan shall permit recreation activities at not less than the levels in existence on the date of enactment of this Act.

(C) HIGHER LEVELS.--The management plan may provide for levels of recreation use higher than the levels in existence on the date of enactment of this Act if such uses are consistent with the protection of the resource values of the Scenic Recreation Area.

(D) The management plan may include public trail access through section 28, township 8 south, range 5 east, Willamette Meridian, to Battle Ax Creek, Opal Pool and other areas in the Opal Creek Wilderness and the Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area.

(11) PARTICIPATION.--So that the knowledge, expertise, and views of all agencies and groups may contribute affirmatively to the most sensitive present and future use of the Scenic Recreation Area and its various subareas for the benefit of the public:

(A) ADVISORY COUNCIL.--The Secretary shall consult on a periodic and regular basis with the advisory council established under subsection (e) with respect to matters relating to management of the Scenic Recreation Area.

(B) PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.--The Secretary shall seek the views of private groups, individuals, and the public concerning the Scenic Recreation Area.

(C) OTHER AGENCIES.--The Secretary shall seek the views and assistance of, and cooperate with, any other Federal, State, or local agency with any responsibility for the zoning, planning, or natural resources of the Scenic Recreation Area.

(D) NONPROFIT AGENCIES AND ORGANIZATIONS.--The Secretary shall seek the views of any nonprofit agency or organization that may contribute information or expertise about the resources and the management of the Scenic Recreation Area.


(1) ESTABLISHMENT.--Not later than 90 days after the establishment of the Scenic Recreation Area, the Secretary shall establish an advisory council for the Scenic Recreation Area.

(2) MEMBERSHIP.--The advisory council shall consist of not more than 13 members, of whom--

(A) 1 member shall represent Marion County, Oregon, and shall be designated by the governing body of the county;

(B) 1 member shall represent the State of Oregon and shall be designated by the Governor of Oregon;

(C) 1 member shall represent the City of Salem, and shall be designated by the mayor of Salem, Oregon;

(D) 1 member from a city within a 25-mile radius of the Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area, to be designated by the Governor of the State of Oregon from a list of candidates provided by the mayors of the cities located within a 25- mile radius of the Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area; and

(E) not more than 9 members shall be appointed by the Secretary from among persons who, individually or through association with a national or local organization, have an interest in the administration of the Scenic Recreation Area, including, but not limited to, representatives of the timber industry, environmental organizations, the mining industry, inholders in the Opal Creek Wilderness and Scenic Recreation Area, economic development interests and Indian tribes.

(3) STAGGERED TERMS.--Members of the advisory council shall serve for staggered terms of 3 years.

(4) CHAIRMAN.--The Secretary shall designate 1 member of the advisory council as chairman.

(5) VACANCIES.--The Secretary shall fill a vacancy on the advisory council in the same manner as the original appointment.

(6) COMPENSATION.--Members of the advisory council shall receive no compensation for their service on the advisory council.



(A) IN GENERAL.--Subject to the other provisions of this section, the Secretary may acquire any lands or interests in land in the Scenic Recreation Area or the Opal Creek Wilderness that the Secretary determines are needed to carry out this section.

(B) PUBLIC LAND.--Any lands or interests in land owned by a State or a political subdivision of a State may be acquired only by donation or exchange.

(C) CONDEMNATION.--Within the boundaries of the Opal Creek Wilderness or the Scenic Recreation Area, the Secretary may not acquire any privately owned land or interest in land without the consent of the owner unless the Secretary finds that--

(i) the nature of land use has changed significantly, or the landowner has demonstrated intent to change the land use significantly, from the use that existed on the date of the enactment of this Act; and

(ii) acquisition by the Secretary of the land or interest in land is essential to ensure use of the land or interest in land in accordance with the purposes of this title or the management plan prepared under subsection (d)(2).

(D) Nothing in this section shall be construed to enhance or diminish the condemnation authority available to the Secretary outside the boundaries of the Opal Creek Wilderness or the Scenic Recreation Area.


(A) RESPONSE ACTIONS.--Nothing in this section shall limit the authority of the Secretary or a responsible party to conduct an environmental response action in the Scenic Recreation Area in connection with the release, threatened release, or cleanup of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant, including a response action conducted under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.).

(B) LIABILITY.--Nothing in this section shall limit the authority of the Secretary or a responsible party to recover costs related to the release, threatened release, or cleanup of any hazardous substance or pollutant or contaminant in the Scenic Recreation Area.


(A) IN GENERAL.--As soon as practicable after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall file a map and a boundary description for the Opal Creek Wilderness and for the Scenic Recreation Area with the Committee on Resources of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate.

(B) FORCE AND EFFECT.--The boundary description and map shall have the same force and effect as if the description and map were included in this section, except that the Secretary may correct clerical and typographical errors in the boundary description and map.

(C) AVAILABILITY.--The map and boundary description shall be on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief of the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture.

(4) SAVINGS PROVISION.--Nothing in this section shall interfere with activity for which a special use permit has been issued, has not been revoked, and has not expired, before the date of enactment of this Act, subject to the terms of the permit.


(1) AUTHORIZATION.--Notwithstanding any other law, if the Rosboro Lumber Company (referred to in this subsection as "Rosboro") offers and conveys marketable title to the United States to the land described in paragraph (2), the Secretary of Agriculture shall convey all right, title and interest held by the United States to sufficient lands described in paragraph (3) to Rosboro, in the order in which they appear in this subsection, as necessary to satisfy the equal value requirements of paragraph (4).

(2) LAND TO BE OFFERED BY ROSBORO.--The land referred to in paragraph (1) as the land to be offered by Rosboro shall comprise Section 36, Township 8 South, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian.

(3) LAND TO BE CONVEYED BY THE UNITED STATES.--The land referred to in paragraph (1) as the land to be conveyed by the United States shall comprise sufficient land from the following prioritized list to be equal value under paragraph (4):

(A) Section 5, Township 17 South, Range 4 East, Lot 7 (37.63 acres);

(B) Section 2, Township 17 South, Range 4 East, Lot 3 (29.28 acres);

(C) Section 13, Township 17 South, Range 4 East, S 1/2 SE 1/4 (80 acres);

(D) Section 2, Township 17 South, Range 4 East, SW 1/4 SW 1/4 (40 acres);

(E) Section 2, Township 17 South, Range 4 East, NW 1/4 SE 1/4 (40 acres);

(F) Section 8, Township 17 South, Range 4 East, SE 1/4 SW 1/4 (40 acres);

(G) Section 11, Township 17 South, Range 4 East, W 1/2 NW 1/4 (80 acres);

(4) EQUAL VALUE.--The land and interests in land exchanged under this subsection shall be of equal market value as determined by nationally recognized appraisal standards, including, to the extent appropriate, the Uniform Standards for Federal Land Acquisition, the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, or shall be equalized by way of payment of cash pursuant to the provisions of section 206(d) of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1716(d)), and other applicable law. The appraisal shall consider access costs for the parcels involved.


(A) The exchange directed by this subsection shall be consummated not later than 120 days after the date Rosboro offers and conveys the property described in paragraph (2) to the United States.

(B) The authority provided by this subsection shall lapse of Rosboro fails to offer the land described in paragraph (2) within 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act.

(6) CHALLENGE.--Rosboro shall have the right to challenge in the United States District Court for the District of Oregon a determination of marketability under paragraph (1) and a determination of value for the lands described in paragraphs (2) and (3) by the Secretary of Agriculture. The court shall have the authority to order the Secretary to complete the transaction contemplated in this subsection.

(7) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.--There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this subsection.

(h) DESIGNATION OF ELKHORN CREEK AS A WILD AND SCENIC RIVER.-- Section 3(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1274(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following:

"()(A) ELKHORN CREEK.--The 6.4-mile segment traversing federally administered lands from that point along the Willamette National Forest boundary on the common section line between Sections 12 and 13, Township 9 South, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian, to that point where the segment leaves Federal ownership along the Bureau of Land Management boundary in Section 1, Township 9 South, Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian, in the following classes:

"(i) a 5.8-mile wild river area, extending from that point along the Willamette National Forest boundary on the common section line between Sections 12 and 13, Township 9 South, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian, to its confluence with Buck Creek in Section 1, Township 9 South, Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian, to be administered as agreed on by the Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior, or as directed by the President; and

"(ii) a 0.6-mile scenic river area, extending from the confluence with Buck Creek in Section 1, Township 9 South, Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian, to that point where the segment leaves Federal ownership along the Bureau of Land Management boundary in Section 1, Township 9 South, Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian, to be administered by the Secretary of Interior, or as directed by the President.

"(B) Notwithstanding section 3(b) of this Act, the lateral boundaries of both the wild river area and the scenic river area along Elkhorn Creek shall include an average of not more than 640 acres per mile measured from the ordinary high water mark on both sides of the river.".


(1) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN.--As a condition for receiving funding under paragraph (2), the State of Oregon, in consultation with Marion County, Oregon, and the Secretary of Agriculture, shall develop a plan for economic development projects for which grants under this subsection may be used in a manner consistent with this section and to benefit local communities in the vicinity of the Opal Creek area. Such plan shall be based on an economic opportunity study and other appropriate information.

(2) FUNDS PROVIDED TO THE STATES FOR GRANTS.--Upon completion of the Opal Creek Management Plan, and receipt of the plan referred to in paragraph (1), the Secretary shall provide, subject to appropriations, $15,000,000 to the State of Oregon. Such funds shall be used to make grants or loans for economic development projects that further the purposes of this section and benefit the local communities in the vicinity of the Opal Creek area.

(3) REPORT.--The State of Oregon shall--

(A) prepare and provide the Secretary and Congress with an annual report on the use of the funds made available under this subsection;

(B) make available to the Secretary and to Congress, upon request, all accounts, financial records, and other information related to grants and loans made available pursuant to this subsection; and

(C) as loans are repaid, make additional grants and loans with the money made available for obligation by such repayments.


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