
To promote and improve the health and well-being of women, children and families by building MCH epidemiology and data capacity at the state and local levels to effectively use information or public health actions.


Healthy women, healthy children, and healthy families, through leadership for health decisions.

Operating Principles

In pursuing our mission, we, the members of the MCH EPI team believe in Collaboration, Leadership, Excellence, and Respect for all People.

Strategies and Objectives

  1. Develop and strengthen relationships with partners.
    1. Develop and strengthen formal relationships with key partners.
    2. Support new and ongoing projects to promote data to policy.
  2. Recruit, develop and retain MCH epidemiology leaders.
    1. Recruit, develop and retain MCH epidemiologists
    2. Create opportunities for junior level epidemiologists for professional growth
  3. Assess, build and monitor data capacity.
    1. Continue to develop mechanisms for sharing information, ideas and assistance.
    2. Develop assessment tools for MCH epidemiology capacity.

Major project areas


Program Evaluation and Assessment

  • Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC)
  • Medicaid
  • Babies Born Healthy
  • Data Linkage
  • Data Integration
  • Laws, Rules, Regulations MCH Epidemiology Surveillance