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This Week in MMWR
January 9,
2009 / Vol. 57 / No. 53
Daily consumption of 400
µg of folic acid is recommended for all women of childbearing age to prevent birth defects.
Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Birth Prevalence of Spina Bifida
United States, 1995--2005
In 1992, the Public Health Service recommended that all women of childbearing age consume 400 µg of folic acid daily to help prevent pregnancies affected by neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Subsequently, the Food and Drug Administration mandated addition of folic acid to all enriched cereal grain products by January 1998. This report updates previous data and assesses racial/ethnic differences in birth prevalence of spina bifida in the United States during 1995–2005.
MMWR Recommendations and Reports
December 5, 2008 / Vol. 57 / No. RR–10
Revised Surveillance Case Definitions for HIV Infection Among Adults, Adolescents, and Children Aged <18 Months and for HIV Infection and AIDS Among
Children Aged 18 Months to <13 Years
United States, 2008
For adults and adolescents (i.e., persons aged >13 years), the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection classification system and the surveillance case definitions for HIV infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) have been revised and combined into a single case definition for HIV infection. The HIV infection case definition for children aged <13 years and the AIDS case definition for children aged 18 months to <13 years also have been revised. Laboratory-confirmed evidence of HIV infection is now required to meet the case definition among adults, adolescents, and children aged 18 months to <13 years. All states and territories should begin using the 2008 surveillance case definitions immediately.
MMWR Surveillance Summaries
November 28,
2008 / Vol. 57 / No. SS–13
Abortion Surveillance
United States, 2005
CDC began conducting abortion surveillance in 1969 to document the number and characteristics of women obtaining legal induced abortions. This report is based on abortion data for 2005, provided voluntarily to CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Reproductive Health.
For 2005, CDC compiled data that were voluntarily provided from 49 reporting areas in the United States: 47 states (excluding California, New Hampshire, and Louisiana), the District of Columbia (DC), and New York City (NYC). Legal induced abortion was defined as a procedure, performed by a licensed physician or someone acting under the supervision of a licensed physician, that was intended to terminate a suspected or known intrauterine pregnancy and to produce a nonviable fetus at any gestational age. The total number of legal induced abortions was available from all reporting areas; however, not all of these areas collected data on some or all characteristics of women who obtained abortions, and the availability of such data varied by reporting area. Abortion data were compiled using suggested table shells that were sent to the reporting areas. Not all reporting areas used the suggested tables.

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January 2, 2009, Vol. 57, No. 51 & 52
Recommended Immunization Schedules for Persons Aged 0 Through 18 Years ---
United States, 2009
The Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices (ACIP) annually publishes a recommended immunization
schedule for persons aged 0--18 years to reflect changes in
vaccine formulations and current recommendations for the use of
licensed vaccines.
January 9, 2009, Vol. 57, No. 53
Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule --- United States, 2009
The Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices (ACIP) annually reviews the recommended Adult
Immunization Schedule to ensure that the schedule reflects
current recommendations for the licensed vaccines. In June
2007, ACIP approved the Adult Immunization Schedule for
October 2007--September 2008.