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VA National Clinical Public Health Programs — HIV/AIDS

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AIDS-Related Cancers

The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Veterans Affairs of the linked Web sites, or the information, products or services contained therein.
  • AIDS & Cancer Specimen Bank
    (ACSB) The purpose of the ACSB is to identify and improve access to tissue, blood and fluid specimens, as well as to provide clinical outcome data from individuals with HIV-related malignancies.
  • AIDS Malignancy Consortium
    Clinical trials group focusing on AIDS-associated malignancies, supported by the National Cancer Institute.
  • American Cancer Society
    Funds and conducts intramural and extramural cancer research, disseminates information, and organizes advocacy efforts and community programs.
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology
    (ASCO) Organization whose goal is to facilitate the delivery of high-quality health care, to foster the exchange and diffusion of information, to further training in clinical research and care, and to encourage optimal communication among the various specialties concerned with cancer.
  • CancerBACUP
    UK site providing information and emotional support for cancer patients, their families, and health professionals.
  • Cancer Care
    Nonprofit organization providing free professional help to people with all cancers through counseling, information, education, referral, and financial assistance.
  • Cancer Hope Network
    Free, confidential, one-on-one support for people with cancer and their families.
  • CancerTrack
    Site maintains up-to-date links to more than 2,000 authoritative sources on the all types of cancer, and provides a news section that is updated every 15 minutes.
  • National Cancer Institute
    (NCI) One of the National Institutes of Health. Site provides information on all types of cancer, clinical trials, research program and funding information, and statistics.
  • National Comprehensive Cancer Network
    (NCCN) An alliance of leading cancer centers. Site provides a physician directory, links, and information on NCCN's treatment guidelines and outcomes database.
  • OncoLink
    A resource on all types of cancer, including treatments, clinical trials, support, and more. From the University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center.

Cervical Cancer

Kaposi's Sarcoma

Lymphoma (Hodgkin's & Non-Hodgkin's)