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Pain Control and End-of-Life Care

The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Veterans Affairs of the linked Web sites, or the information, products or services contained therein.
  • American Academy of Pain Medicine
    Organization for physicians practicing the specialty of pain medicine in the United States.
  • American Pain Foundation
    A patient information, education, and advocacy organization serving people with pain.
  • American Pain Society
    A multidisciplinary educational and scientific organization dedicated to serving people in pain.
  • The Center for Palliative Care Education
    An educational resource center and training program whose mission is to improve palliative care for people with HIV/AIDS by increasing the knowledge, skills, and comfort level of clinicians to provide such care.
  • The Center for Palliative Care Education
    An educational resource center and training program whose mission is to improve palliative care for people with HIV/AIDS by increasing the knowledge, skills, and comfort level of clinicians to provide such care.
  • End of Life / Palliative Education Resource Center
    Medical College of Wisconsin. Online resource center for healthcare professionals. Extensive library and links.
  • Growth House: Hospice and Home Care
    Good source for general information on hospice and home care.
  • Hospice Foundation of America
    A nonprofit organization that promotes hospice care and works to educate professionals and the families they serve in issues relating to caregiving, terminal illness, loss and bereavement.
  • Hospice Net
    A site for patients, families, and caregivers, with information on hospice services, caregiving, bereavement, and talking with children.
  • National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
    Information and resources for professionals and the public. Includes hospice locator feature.
  • National Prison Hospice Association
    Promotes hospice care for terminally ill inmates.
  • Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care
    Robert Wood Johnson Foundation project that provides funding, direction, and technical assistance to innovative demonstration projects in end-of-life care settings and addressing particular challenges to existing models of hospice and palliative care.

General End-of-Life Resources

  • Americans for Better Care of the Dying
    A nonprofit organization focused on social, professional, and policy reform aimed to improve the care system for patients with fatal illnesses.
  • Center to Improve Care for the Dying
    Offers expert support to hospitals, nursing homes, health systems, hospices, and other organizations that serve individuals nearing the end of life
  • Compassion and Choices
    Service, advocacy, and education organization dealing with pain, end-of-life choices, and patient empowerment. Previously Compassion in Dying and End-of-Life Choices.
  • The End of Life
    Transcripts (text and audio) from NPR's special series on death and dying.
  • End of Life Physician Education Resource Center
    Academic center at the Medical College of Wisconsin whose goal is to assist physician educators and others in locating high-quality, peer-reviewed training materials on end of life issues.
  • EPEC Project: Education for Physicians in End-of-life Care
    Supported by a grant from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, EPEC is designed to educate all physicians on the essential clinical competencies required to provide high-quality end-of-life care.
  • GriefNet
    Web site hosting email support groups for loss and grief issues.
  • Growth House
    Provides information and technical and referral services for agencies working with death and dying issues.
  • Guidelines for End of Life Care
    From the American College of Physicians.
  • Innovations in End-of-Life Care
    An international, online forum and peer-reviewed journal for clinicians and other health care professionals.
  • Project on Death in America
    Organization seeks to transform the culture of dying and bereavement through research, scholarship, and the arts. Sponsors faculty scholars and performing and fine artists.
  • Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care
    Robert Wood Johnson Foundation project that provides funding, direction, and technical assistance to innovative demonstration projects in end-of-life care settings and addressing particular challenges to existing models of hospice and palliative care.