USDA Forest Service

Coronado National Forest


United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Coronado National Forest
300 W. Congress Street
Tucson, AZ, USA 85701
(520) 388-8300
(520) 388-8304 TTY

WFA Home |Decision Notice | Environmental Assessment |Opportunity to Appeal | Documents | Links

Wildland Fire Amendment


The purpose of this Wildland Fire Amendment (WFA) website is to provide information regarding the amendment to the Coronado National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan ( LRMP) to reflect the latest national fire policy.


The LRMP reflected 1986 agency fire management policy. At that time, the fire suppression objective was to manage wildland fires at a minimum cost consistent with land and resource management objectives and fire management direction. This direction is no longer consistent with the current Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy.


Consequently, the Forest Service amended the LRMP to align it with the 2001 Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy.


The Decision Notice with a Finding of No Significant Impact describes the decision to amend the LRMP. The Environmental Assessment discloses the results of the National Environmental Policy Act review.


Coronado National Forest
This Page was Updated  Monday, 25 February 2008 at 19:29:20 EST

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