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  Moored Autonomous Hydrophones: Deployment location maps
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  Eastern Equatorial Pacific
Hydrophone mooring locations used for routine monitoring of the eastern equatorial Pacific. Instruments are co-located with PMEL's TOGA/TAO buoys and are refurbished every 6-12 months. The array was initially deployed in May, 1996.
  EPR map  
  Northern North Atlantic
Hydrophones were deployed in May 2002 from the French research vessel Le Suroit as part of the SIRENA expendition.
  map of the Northern Atlantic hydrophone locations  
  Central North Atlantic
Hydrophone mooring locations used for routine monitoring of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This experiment was funded by the National Science Foundation [PIs Debbie Smith (WHOI), Maya Tolstoy (LDEO), and Chris Fox (NOAA/PMEL)] Array was initially deployed in February, 1999 from MAURICE EWING and is scheduled for servicing yearly.
  Atlantic map  
Part of NOAA's Ocean Exploration expedition, Submarine Ring of Fire, the hydrophones were deployed in 2003 to monitor the Marianas back-arc basin. The hydrophone deployment is scheduled to be in place for a year.
  Marianas hydrophone map  
  Gulf of Alaska
Hydrophone mooring locations used for monitoring of the Gulf of Alaska. The primary focus of this experiment is to monitor the migratory patterns of large whales, in particular blue whales and humpback whales, in the northeast Pacific. Sampling rate is 1000 Hz with low-pass at 450Hz. Array was deployed in October, 1999 from the NOAA Ship RONALD H. BROWN and recovered in 2002.
  Alaska map  
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