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US Fish and Wildlife
Cost and Performance Management
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Activity Based Cost Management
Performance Management
Cost & Performance Integration
Key Concepts and Training
Employee Performance Plan
Important Documents
FY09 Activity Dictionary (PDF - 1,024 KB)
ABC Coding Templates
T&A Worksheet
FWS Operational Plan
Directorate Rules for ABC
FY05 - FY08 Subactivity Codes & Programs
FY05 - FY06 Crosswalk
FWS to DOI Crosswalk
FY06 - FY08 Included / Excluded Costs
How to Correct ABC Errors in FFS
DOI Strategic Plan
How to Compare Cognos to Brio (Word - 1.2 MB)
Management Tools
Manager Analysis Workbook
What-if Scenarios for Resource Planning


DOI Strategic Plan

DOI Planning and Performance Mangement Site

DOI Strategic Plan FY 2003 - 2008 (pdf)


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Last Modified: 9/24/2008