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VCS Home Page
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Core Values
Customer Service Pledge
Contact Us
Office of the Director
Marilyn Iverson, Director VCS
Joseph (Ray) Tober, Chief Operating Officer
VCS Organizational Chart
VCS Locations
VCS Business Lines
Retail Operations
Food Operations
Nutritional Information
Vending Operations
Special Order/Concessionaire Services
VA/VCS On-Line Catalog
VA/VCS Veteran's Mall

Tour Our Stores
Conducting Business With VCS
Career Opportunities
Privacy Policy
Accessiblity Help
VA/VCS Online Catalog

The VCS has expanded its online shopping experience to offer more products and services for you.

Click here to login into the VAVCS Catalog & Online Store.

VAVCS Logo - Links to VAVCS Website

Note:  Employee Payroll Deduction (EPD) is not currently available 
for purchase of goods and services on the expanded VAVCS Catalog & Online Store.

Help:  If you are having trouble authenticating to the VAVCS Catalog & Online Store,
please send us an email.