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Veterans Canteen Service Career Opportunities

A Career with the VCS

Graphic, Button, Career Opportunities VCS offers a fun, challenging and exciting career for people interested in joining our management corps. Our jobs require a lot of hard work, dedication and a commitment to personal excellence, but the rewards and benefits can be great and on par with the best that the retail, food and service industries have to offer. More importantly, you'll take immense pride in knowing that your efforts are recognized and appreciated by the "best customers" in the country -- the Veterans of the U. S. Armed Forces and those who provide for their care.

As a VCS manager, you will work in a fast-paced, customer-centered environment, with a high degree of personal initiative and independence. Once you've mastered the basics of a VCS manager's job and you've "honed" your selling, management, leadership, and team-building skills, your advancement opportunities with VCS are excellent.

In VCS, you control your future. Promotion decisions are made strictly on the basis of "merit and fitness" and leadership and interpersonal skills. Your performance and the positive results you achieve are the sole criteria for you to succeed.

Because you've accepted the requirement to be willing to relocate, when promotions do occur, they are usually accompanied by a transfer anywhere in the VCS system to a higher sales volume canteen offering greater job responsibilities, complexities and challenges.

Employment Qualifications
Graphic, Button, Career Opportunities
  • Directly related management experience that reflects a high level of achievement and performance ... preferably with a major regional or nationwide retailer ... or with a major "fast food" or restaurant chain.
  • Strong leadership skills ... the ability to lead by personal example with sensitivity to the needs of others ... a commitment to the importance of training and developing subordinates and instilling a customer-service focused "team" attitude within the canteen workforce.
  • A strong, common sense work ethic with a high level of energy and desire to achieve.
  • Excellent communications and human relations skills ... the ability to enthusiastically motivate the work force to achieve established sales and customer-service goals.
  • The ability to quickly adapt to the requirements of a fast-paced, ever-changing work environment.
  • A willingness to relocate according to the needs of VCS.

Relocation Benefits
Graphic, Button, Career Opportunities
  • VCS operates canteens throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. VCS managers are required to accept geographic relocation, according to the needs of VCS, or upon promotion.
  • When training is completed, or a new assignment is directed; VCS provides the following relocation benefits based on eligibility requirements and reimbursement limitations contained in the Federal Travel Regulations do apply.
    • Transportation of household goods
    • Travel of employee and eligible family members
    • Temporary lodging allowances

VCS Employment Benefits
Graphic, Button, Career Opportunities
  • Comprehensive Training Program ... structured to individual needs and experience levels.
  • Competitive Salaries ... plus cost-of-living and annual performance bonus programs.
  • Health, Dental and Life Insurance ... high and low benefit group medical plans and life insurance policies available according to individual or family needs ... cost shared by VCS.
  • Workers' Compensation Insurance ... VCS paid compensation and medical treatment for on-the-job injury or illness.
  • Vacation Leave ... 13 up to 26 working days per year depending on total years of federal and active duty military service ... up to 240 hours can be carried over from year to year.
  • Sick Leave ... 13 working days per year ... unlimited accumulation.
  • Liberal Retirement Program ... VCS managers participate in the Federal Employees Retirement System [FERS]... FERS incorporates Social Security Benefits, a Basic Benefits Plan and VCS contributions to a tax-deferred Thrift Savings Plan equal to 1% of basic salary.
  • Thrift Savings Plan [TSP] ... a tax-deferred retirement savings and investment program ... individuals can choose to contribute a percentage of their basic pay subject to an IRS maximum ... including the 1% contributed under FERS, for persons who do contribute to the TSP, VCS will match up to 5% of basic pay.

How to Apply

Graphic, Button, Career Opportunities Send Application for Federal Employment [SF 171], Optional Application For Federal Employment [OF612], Declaration for Federal Employment [OF 306], and your resume, to:

Associate Director, Resources and Support
Veterans Canteen Service Central Office
#1 Jefferson Barracks Road, Building 25
Saint Louis, MO 63125-4194

Or, email resume to:

You can download the SF 171 here. You can download OF 612 and OF 306 now or obtain a printed copy from the Human Resource Offices of all federal agencies; at Federal Job Information Centers; or contact VCS Central Office by telephone - 314-845-1213 or Fax - 314-845-1203.

VCS is an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer. Qualified eligible Veterans receive preference in employment.