NOAA97- R243

Contact: Randee Exler                 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   
         Frank Lepore                 August 29, 1997


Robert W. Burpee, director of the National Weather Service's Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center in Miami, has requested reassignment from his director's duties citing health concerns. To accommodate this request, Department of Commerce human resource officials report that Burpee will transfer to a senior scientist position within the Center, effective August 31, 1997.

Burpee, the Center's director since July, 1995, said, "I requested this reassignment to other duties to allow time for full recovery from continuing health concerns, most recently difficulties with my vision following cataract surgery."

"Dr. Burpee is an asset to our organization and the field of hurricane research," said Dr. Ron McPherson, director, National Centers for Environment Prediction, parent organization of the Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center. "I am pleased that he will continue working with us in a research capacity.

"Dr. Burpee is an excellent manager and has established a team approach to hurricane forecasting where operations are not dependent on any one person, including himself. This should allow for a smooth transition as we search for a new Center director," said McPherson.

Jerry Jarrell, currently the Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center deputy director, will serve as acting director in the interim. Department of Commerce human resource officials report that the search for a new Hurricane Center director will begin September 2, 1997.