NOAA 97-R410

Contact:  Elleen Kane                FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released today the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Ohio coastal management program, which would balance economic development and environmental protection on Lake Erie. This release triggers a 30-day waiting period under the National Environmental Policy Act, giving the public a final opportunity to ensure their concerns about the state's coast will be adequately addressed before NOAA officially approves the program.

"This is the final step in a process of bringing Ohio into a unique state-federal partnership for the coast," said Jeffrey R. Benoit, director of NOAA's Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. "This partnership means coordination and funding that can significantly improve the coast and the economy."

After the program wins federal approval, Ohio is eligible for roughly $800,000 in federal matching funds to improve public access to the coast, restore and improve waterfronts, improve fishery habitat, and streamline the coastal permitting process. These funds can also be passed on to local governments for coastal improvement projects.

A federally approved coastal program will also give Ohio a voice in federal activities along the state's coastline. Known as federal consistency, this legal provision will require most federal activities to comply with Ohio coastal regulations and policies. "Over the past 25 years, this program has done a lot to improve the health of our coast by balancing the many ways people use the coast with the needs of the coast itself," noted Benoit. "We're really excited to have Ohio become part of that success."

According to the Final Environmental Impact Statement, which describes the state's plan for managing the Lake Erie coastline, the Ohio program will focus on redeveloping deteriorating and underutilized waterfronts and ports along Lake Erie; preserving wetlands, beaches, fish and wildlife habitats, and other natural resources; improving public access sites along the coast; protecting historical and cultural resources along the coast; and using a new permit system to prevent the loss of life and property in coastal areas.

Final NOAA approval of the Ohio program is expected in May 1997.

To obtain a copy of the Final Environmental Impact Statement, which outlines the state's coastal program, contact Joseph Uravitch at the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management,1305 East-West Hwy., N/ORM2, Silver Spring, Md. 20910.f


NOTE TO EDITORS: Further information about the Ohio Coastal Management Program can be found on the Internet at:

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