These materials are made available at the request of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration for the benefit of grant applicants to the National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative. The application period has closed. A new round of applications should open in the fall of 2009. Check the SAMHSA website at for updates.
The following information has been prepared on behalf of SAMHSA by the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress (NCCTS) and Macro International, Inc. These materials are intended to provide potential applicants for National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative (NCTSI) cooperative agreements with basic information about the structure, processes, and resources of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) and an overview of the NCTSI Cross-site Evaluation. Detailed information is provided regarding data collection and evaluation activities to support potential applicants as they develop staffing plans, budgets, and work plans for their respective proposals.

Resource Materials for 2007 Grant Applicants
This document refers to supplemental materials available on Those links are also supplied immediately below.

NCTSN Product Development Handbook (PDF-2007)

Finding Funding: A Guide to Federal Sources for Child Traumatic Stress and Other Trauma-Focused Initiatives (PDF - 2006)

Thinking Broadly: Financing Strategies for Child Traumatic Stress Initiatives (PDF-2006)

Learning Collaborative Information Packet (PDF-2007)

NCTSN Data Core Intranet Site
Find guidelines, information, and forms related to collecting NCTSN data on this open intranet site.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network Empirically Supported Treatments and Promising Practices (2007)
The documents linked from this page describe some of the treatment and service approaches used for children and adolescents by NCTSN centers. These materials were created at the request and under the direction of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. These treatments and approaches are presented as information, and no NCTSN endorsement of any treatment is meant or implied.

Currently Funded NCTSN Centers (2007)
This document lists all currently funded NCTSN centers. Each is identified as either a Treatment and Services Adaptation Center (Category II) or a Community Treatment and Services Center (Category III).

Transcript: SAMHSA RFA Informational Call, April 12, 2007
This transcript of an April 12 teleconference moderated by Jean Plaschke of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides information about the RFA for Community Treatment and Service Centers.

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