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Rare, Threatened And Endangered Species In West Virginia

Founded in 1975, the West Virginia Wildlife Diversity Program (WDP) is an on-going, computer assisted ecological inventory. A part of the WV Division of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Section, the WDP follows methodologies used nationally by the Natural Heritage Network. The WDP maintains files on rare, threatened and endangered plants and animals, as well as unique natural communitites. It is hoped that data derived from these files will help to conserve West Virginia's outstanding biodiversity.

Before a taxon can be added or deleted from our rare species lists, a set of criteria must be met. All species that are rare on a global basis (G1, G2, G3) are tracked, as well as species that are federally listed, proposed listed or are candidates with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services under the Endangered Species Act. Species that are at the edge of their global ranges and are in the state are generally tracked to conserve genetic diversity that often exists at the margin of a species' range. Several species are tracked because they require unique habitats, such as shale barrens, wetlands or high elevation spruce forests. Due to changes in global and state rarity, these lists are dynamic. These lists will change as new information becomes available.

To download these lists and the necessary Introduction/Organization pages, please click the following PDF files:

  • Introduction/Organization - (PDF format, 16.0KB)

  • Rare, Threatened And Endangered Plant Species - (PDF format, 49.0KB)

  • Rare, Threatened And Endangered Animal Species - (PDF format, 52.9KB)

  • Click here to get acrobat reader (You will need Acrobat Reader to view these files)

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