Rare Species Explorer

Search for information on Michigan's 665 rare plants and animals based on name, habitat, survey time, protection status or rank. Our Rare Species Explorer search interface creates a customized list of species with links to information on habitat, survey methods, management and more.

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Our Mission

The mission of MNFI is to deliver the highest quality information that contributes to the conservation of biodiversity, especially rare and declining plants and animals and the diversity of ecosystems native to Michigan.

How does MNFI get its Information?

Teams of scientists with expertise in botany, zoology, aquatic ecology, and ecology collect information about Michigan's native plants, animals, aquatic animals and natural ecosystems.

MNFI has conducted surveys by foot, kayak, canoe, and air, from interior forests and grasslands, Great Lakes shores to remote islands in search of information about Michigan's special plants, animals and plant communities.

Information is also gathered by studying museum and herbaria records, communicating with other scientists in the Great Lakes area, and reading published works.

How is MNFI information used?

Information sharing
  • Reveal population trends and ecological requirements
  • Determine the rangewide significance of individual occurrences
  • Set conservation priorities and assign "rarity" ranks
  • Identify data gaps and research needs
  • Guide land use and management activities
  • Access change over time and at different spatial scales
  • Inform regulatory agencies

How is the information shared?

  • Workshops and presentations
  • Provide natural resource professionals with detailed information to advise suitable management of natural features