Nevada Natural Heritage Program
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
901 South Stewart Street, Suite 5002 • Carson City, Nevada 89701-5245
tel: (775) 684-2900 • fax: (775) 684-2909


(8 August 2001)

DISCLAIMER: Much new information on locations, biology, and conservation status Nevada's rare plants has accumulated since June of 2001, and many rare plant species have been added to our tracking lists. Until this Atlas can be updated, it should be used only as a general guide to the geographic distribution and status of rare plants in Nevada. For the most current information on Nevada's rare plants, see our tracking lists of at-risk species.  

This index lists all plant taxa on the Nevada Natural Heritage Program's at-risk and watch lists as of 8 August 2001, whether or not included in the current Nevada Rare Plant Atlas. Atlas fact sheets and maps are available and linked for over 80% of these taxa. PLEASE NOTE THAT INFORMATION FOR SOME SPECIES MAY BE INCOMPLETE OR OUT OF DATE. Please read the atlas text sections for further information on the sources and limitations of the data represented on the maps and fact sheets, and for general references cited only in brief in the fact sheets. Fact sheets are saved in PDF format and require the free Adobe® Acrobat® Reader plug-in if not already installed on your system. Images, when available as links from our images page, are indicated with a link to that page, following which you must scroll manually to the species of interest. Updated maps and fact sheets will be generated and posted as time and resources permit, as the data comprising them are constantly being generated and updated.

Map Printing and Display: Due to storage limitations, the map images linked to this web page are not reproduced at their original printed resolution (600 dpi in 8.5x11 inch format). They are instead produced at 105 dpi (dots-per-inch) resolution, which results in grainy but acceptably readable output when printed or displayed. When you click on a map link, the first image that displays is formatted for best printing results, even though the screen display may appear degraded. To best approximate an original printed version: change the page set-up or format in your browser to eliminate all headers and footers and change all margins to their smallest possible value, then print pages 1 to 1 of this version. Recent versions of MS Internet Explorer or Netscape browsers printing to laserjet printers should work well. If you wish to view the map in its best display quality on your screen, simply click anywhere in the first map image and you will receive a second image at maximum available resolution.

                 Scientific Name                                 Common Name                    Family          

image            Abronia nana ssp. covillei                      Coville abronia                Nyctaginaceae
image            Agastache cusickii                              Cusick hyssop                  Lamiaceae
                 Agave utahensis var. eborispina                 ivory-spined agave             Agavaceae
image            Agave utahensis var. nevadensis                 Clark Mountain agave           Agavaceae
image map sheet  Angelica scabrida                               rough angelica                 Apiaceae
      map sheet  Antennaria arcuata                              meadow pussytoes               Asteraceae
image map sheet  Antennaria soliceps                             Charleston pussytoes           Asteraceae
image map sheet  Arabis bodiensis                                Bodie Hills rockcress          Brassicaceae
                 Arabis dispar                                   pinyon rockcress               Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Arabis falcatoria                               Grouse Creek rockcress         Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Arabis falcifructa                              Elko rockcress                 Brassicaceae
                 Arabis fernaldiana var. fernaldiana             Fernald rockcress              Brassicaceae
                 Arabis fernaldiana var. stylosa                 Fernald rockcress              Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Arabis ophira                                   Ophir rockcress                Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Arabis pinzliae                                 Pinzl rockcress                Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Arabis rectissima var. simulans                 Washoe tall rockcress          Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Arabis rigidissima var. demota                  Galena Creek rockcress         Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Arabis shockleyi                                Shockley rockcress             Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Arabis tiehmii                                  Tiehm rockcress                Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Arctomecon californica                          Las Vegas bearpoppy            Papaveraceae
image map sheet  Arctomecon merriamii                            white bearpoppy                Papaveraceae
                 Arenaria congesta var. charlestonensis          Mount Charleston sandwort      Caryophyllaceae
                 Arenaria congesta var. wheelerensis             Mount Wheeler sandwort         Caryophyllaceae
image map sheet  Arenaria kingii ssp. rosea                      rosy King sandwort             Caryophyllaceae
image map sheet  Arenaria stenomeres                             Meadow Valley sandwort         Caryophyllaceae
      map sheet  Artemisia packardiae                            Packard mugwort                Asteraceae
image map sheet  Artemisia papposa                               Owyhee sagebrush               Asteraceae
      map sheet  Asclepias eastwoodiana                          Eastwood milkweed              Asclepiadaceae
image map sheet  Aspicilia fruticulosa                           rim lichen                     Hymeneliaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus ackermanii                           Ackerman milkvetch             Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus aequalis                             Clokey milkvetch               Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus amphioxys var. musimonum             Sheep Mountain milkvetch       Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus anserinus                            Goose Creek milkvetch          Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus beatleyae                            Beatley milkvetch              Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus callithrix                           Callaway milkvetch             Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus calycosus var. monophyllidius        one-leaflet Torrey milkvetch   Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus cimae var. cimae                     Cima milkvetch                 Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus convallarius var. finitimus          Pine Valley milkvetch          Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus convallarius var. margaretiae        Margaret rushy milkvetch       Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus diversifolius                        meadow milkvetch               Fabaceae
                 Astragalus ensiformis var. gracilior            Veyo milkvetch                 Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus eurylobus                            Needle Mountains milkvetch     Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus funereus                             black woollypod                Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus geyeri var. triquetrus               threecorner milkvetch          Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus gilmanii                             Gilman milkvetch               Fabaceae
image            Astragalus inyoensis                            Inyo milkvetch                 Fabaceae
image            Astragalus jejunus var. jejunus                 starveling milkvetch           Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus johannis-howellii                    Long Valley milkvetch          Fabaceae
                 Astragalus lemmonii                             Lemmon milkvetch               Fabaceae
                 Astragalus lentiginosus var. kernensis          Kern Plateau milkvetch         Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus lentiginosus var. latus              broad-pod freckled milkvetch   Fabaceae
                 Astragalus lentiginosus var. scorpionis         scorpion milkvetch             Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus lentiginosus var. sesquimetralis     Sodaville milkvetch            Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus mohavensis var. hemigyrus            halfring milkvetch             Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus mohavensis var. mohavensis           Mojave milkvetch               Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus mokiacensis                          Mokiak milkvetch               Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus nyensis                              Nye milkvetch                  Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus oophorus var. clokeyanus             Clokey eggvetch                Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus oophorus var. lavinii                Lavin eggvetch                 Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus oophorus var. lonchocalyx            long-calyx eggvetch            Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus phoenix                              Ash Meadows milkvetch          Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus porrectus                            Lahontan milkvetch             Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus pseudiodanthus                       Tonopah milkvetch              Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus pterocarpus                          winged milkvetch               Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus pulsiferae var. pulsiferae           Pulsifer milkvetch             Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus pulsiferae var. suksdorfii           Suksdorf milkvetch             Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus remotus                              Spring Mountains milkvetch     Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus robbinsii var. occidentalis          Lamoille Canyon milkvetch      Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus serenoi var. sordescens              squalid milkvetch              Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus solitarius                           lonesome milkvetch             Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus tiehmii                              Tiehm milkvetch                Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus toquimanus                           Toquima milkvetch              Fabaceae
      map sheet  Astragalus uncialis                             Currant milkvetch              Fabaceae
image map sheet  Astragalus yoder-williamsii                     Osgood Mountains milkvetch     Fabaceae
image map sheet  Botrychium ascendens                            upswept moonwort               Ophioglossaceae
image map sheet  Botrychium crenulatum                           dainty moonwort                Ophioglossaceae
image            Calochortus leichtlinii                         Leichtlin mariposa lily        Liliaceae
image map sheet  Calochortus striatus                            alkali mariposa lily           Liliaceae
      map sheet  Camissonia megalantha                           Cane Spring suncup             Onagraceae
image map sheet  Camissonia nevadensis                           Nevada suncup                  Onagraceae
image map sheet  Castilleja martinii var. clokeyi                Clokey paintbrush              Scrophulariaceae
image map sheet  Castilleja salsuginosa                          Monte Neva paintbrush          Scrophulariaceae
      map sheet  Caulanthus barnebyi                             Barneby stemflower             Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Centaurium namophilum                           spring-loving centaury         Gentianaceae
      map sheet  Chrysothamnus eremobius                         remote rabbitbrush             Asteraceae
image map sheet  Cirsium clokeyi                                 Clokey thistle                 Asteraceae
      map sheet  Cirsium virginense                              Virgin River thistle           Asteraceae
      map sheet  Collomia renacta                                Barren Valley collomia         Polemoniaceae
      map sheet  Cordylanthus tecopensis                         Tecopa birdsbeak               Scrophulariaceae
image map sheet  Crossidium seriatum                             seriate crossidium             Pottiaceae
      map sheet  Cryptantha insolita                             unusual catseye                Boraginaceae
image map sheet  Cryptantha schoolcraftii                        Schoolcraft catseye            Boraginaceae
image map sheet  Cryptantha tumulosa                             New York Mountains catseye     Boraginaceae
image map sheet  Cryptantha welshii                              White River catseye            Boraginaceae
      map sheet  Cusickiella quadricostata                       Bodie Hills draba              Brassicaceae
      map sheet  Cymopterus basalticus                           intermountain wavewing         Apiaceae
image map sheet  Cymopterus cinerarius                           gray wavewing                  Apiaceae
image map sheet  Cymopterus goodrichii                           Goodrich biscuitroot           Apiaceae
                 Cymopterus nivalis                              snow wavewing                  Apiaceae
      map sheet  Cymopterus ripleyi var. ripleyi                 Ripley biscuitroot             Apiaceae
      map sheet  Cymopterus ripleyi var. saniculoides            sanicle biscuitroot            Apiaceae
image map sheet  Didymodon nevadensis                            Gold Butte moss                Pottiaceae
image map sheet  Draba arida                                     desert whitlowgrass            Brassicaceae
      map sheet  Draba asterophora var. asterophora              Tahoe draba                    Brassicaceae
      map sheet  Draba brachystylis                              Wasatch draba                  Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Draba californica                               California draba               Brassicaceae
      map sheet  Draba cusickii var. pedicellata                 stalked Cusick whitlowgrass    Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Draba jaegeri                                   Jaeger whitlowgrass            Brassicaceae
      map sheet  Draba oreibata var. serpentina                  Snake Range whitlowgrass       Brassicaceae
      map sheet  Draba paucifructa                               Charleston draba               Brassicaceae
      map sheet  Draba pennellii                                 Pennell draba                  Brassicaceae
                 Draba sphaeroides                               Elko whitlowgrass              Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Draba subumbellata                              White Mountains cushion draba  Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Dudleya pulverulenta                            chalk liveforever              Crassulaceae
      map sheet  Elodea nevadensis                               Nevada waterweed               Hydrocharitaceae
image map sheet  Enceliopsis argophylla                          silverleaf sunray              Asteraceae
image map sheet  Enceliopsis nudicaulis var. corrugata           Ash Meadows sunray             Asteraceae
      map sheet  Entosthodon planoconvexus                       planoconvex entosthodon        Funariaceae
image            Ephedra funerea                                 Death Valley mormon tea        Ephedraceae
image map sheet  Epilobium nevadense                             Nevada willowherb              Onagraceae
      map sheet  Ericameria cervina                              Antelope Canyon goldenbush     Asteraceae
image map sheet  Ericameria compacta                             Charleston goldenbush          Asteraceae
      map sheet  Ericameria watsonii                             Watson goldenbush              Asteraceae
      map sheet  Erigeron latus                                  broad fleabane                 Asteraceae
image map sheet  Erigeron ovinus                                 sheep fleabane                 Asteraceae
image map sheet  Erigeron uncialis var. conjugans                inch high fleabane             Asteraceae
      map sheet  Erigeron uncialis var. uncialis                 limestone daisy                Asteraceae
image map sheet  Eriogonum ampullaceum                           Mono buckwheat                 Polygonaceae
image map sheet  Eriogonum anemophilum                           windloving buckwheat           Polygonaceae
image map sheet  Eriogonum argophyllum                           Sulphur Springs buckwheat      Polygonaceae
      map sheet  Eriogonum beatleyae                             Beatley buckwheat              Polygonaceae
image map sheet  Eriogonum bifurcatum                            Pahrump Valley buckwheat       Polygonaceae
image map sheet  Eriogonum concinnum                             Darin buckwheat                Polygonaceae
      map sheet  Eriogonum contiguum                             Amargosa buckwheat             Polygonaceae
image map sheet  Eriogonum corymbosum var. nilesii               Las Vegas buckwheat            Polygonaceae
image map sheet  Eriogonum crosbyae                              Crosby buckwheat               Polygonaceae
      map sheet  Eriogonum darrovii                              Darrow buckwheat               Polygonaceae
      map sheet  Eriogonum esmeraldense var. toiyabense          Toiyabe buckwheat              Polygonaceae
      map sheet  Eriogonum heermannii var. clokeyi               Clokey buckwheat               Polygonaceae
image map sheet  Eriogonum holmgrenii                            Holmgren buckwheat             Polygonaceae
      map sheet  Eriogonum lemmonii                              Lemmon buckwheat               Polygonaceae
image map sheet  Eriogonum lewisii                               Lewis buckwheat                Polygonaceae
image map sheet  Eriogonum ovalifolium var. caelestinum          heavenly buckwheat             Polygonaceae
image map sheet  Eriogonum ovalifolium var. williamsiae          Steamboat buckwheat            Polygonaceae
      map sheet  Eriogonum phoeniceum                            scarlet buckwheat              Polygonaceae
image map sheet  Eriogonum prociduum                             prostrate buckwheat            Polygonaceae
image map sheet  Eriogonum robustum                              altered andesite buckwheat     Polygonaceae
image            Eriogonum rubricaule                            Lahontan Basin buckwheat       Polygonaceae
image map sheet  Eriogonum sp.                                   Churchill Narrows buckwheat    Polygonaceae
      map sheet  Eriogonum tiehmii                               Tiehm buckwheat                Polygonaceae
image map sheet  Eriogonum viscidulum                            sticky buckwheat               Polygonaceae
                 Eustoma exaltatum                               catchfly gentian               Gentianaceae
                 Ferocactus cylindraceus var. lecontei           Mojave barrel cactus           Cactaceae
image map sheet  Frasera gypsicola                               Sunnyside green gentian        Gentianaceae
image map sheet  Frasera pahutensis                              Pahute green gentian           Gentianaceae
      map sheet  Galium hilendiae ssp. kingstonense              Kingston Mountains bedstraw    Rubiaceae
image map sheet  Gilia heterostyla                               Cochrane gilia                 Polemoniaceae
image map sheet  Gilia nyensis                                   Nye gilia                      Polemoniaceae
      map sheet  Gilia ripleyi                                   Ripley gilia                   Polemoniaceae
image map sheet  Glossopetalon clokeyi                           Clokey greasebush              Crossosomataceae
image map sheet  Glossopetalon pungens var. glabrum              smooth dwarf greasebush        Crossosomataceae
      map sheet  Glossopetalon pungens var. pungens              rough dwarf greasebush         Crossosomataceae
image map sheet  Grimmia americana                               American grimmia               Grimmiaceae
image map sheet  Grindelia fraxinopratensis                      Ash Meadows gumplant           Asteraceae
image map sheet  Hackelia cusickii                               Cusick stickseed               Boraginaceae
      map sheet  Hackelia ophiobia                               rattlesnake stickseed          Boraginaceae
                 Hackelia sharsmithii                            Sierran forget-me-not          Boraginaceae
image map sheet  Helianthus deserticola                          desert sunflower               Asteraceae
      map sheet  Hulsea vestita ssp. inyoensis                   Inyo hulsea                    Asteraceae
      map sheet  Ionactis caelestis                              Red Rock Canyon aster          Asteraceae
      map sheet  Ipomopsis congesta var. nevadensis              Toiyabe gilia                  Polemoniaceae
image map sheet  Ivesia aperta var. aperta                       Sierra Valley ivesia           Rosaceae
      map sheet  Ivesia arizonica var. saxosa                    rock purpusia                  Rosaceae
image map sheet  Ivesia cryptocaulis                             hidden ivesia                  Rosaceae
image map sheet  Ivesia jaegeri                                  Jaeger ivesia                  Rosaceae
      map sheet  Ivesia kingii var. eremica                      Ash Meadows ivesia             Rosaceae
image map sheet  Ivesia pityocharis                              Pine Nut Mountains ivesia      Rosaceae
image map sheet  Ivesia rhypara var. rhypara                     grimy ivesia                   Rosaceae
image map sheet  Ivesia webberi                                  Webber ivesia                  Rosaceae
      map sheet  Jamesia tetrapetala                             waxflower                      Hydrangeaceae
image map sheet  Lathyrus grimesii                               Grimes vetchling               Fabaceae
      map sheet  Lathyrus hitchcockianus                         Bullfrog Hills sweetpea        Fabaceae
image map sheet  Lepidium davisii                                Davis peppergrass              Brassicaceae
      map sheet  Lepidium montanum var. nevadense                Pueblo Valley peppergrass      Brassicaceae
image            Lepidium nanum                                  dwarf peppergrass              Brassicaceae
      map sheet  Leptodactylon glabrum                           Bruneau River prickly phlox    Polemoniaceae
      map sheet  Lesquerella goodrichii                          Goodrich bladderpod            Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Lesquerella hitchcockii                         Hitchcock bladderpod           Brassicaceae
                 Lesquerella pendula                             hanging bladderpod             Brassicaceae
      map sheet  Lewisia maguirei                                Maguire bitterroot             Portulacaceae
                 Linanthus arenicola                             dune linanthus                 Polemoniaceae
                 Lomatium foeniculaceum ssp. inyoense            Inyo Mountain parsley          Apiaceae
      map sheet  Lomatium graveolens var. alpinum                Clark parsley                  Apiaceae
      map sheet  Lomatium packardiae                             Succor Creek parsley           Apiaceae
      map sheet  Lomatium roseanum                               adobe parsley                  Apiaceae
                 Lotus argyraeus var. multicaulis                scrub lotus                    Fabaceae
image            Lupinus holmgrenianus                           Holmgren lupine                Fabaceae
image            Lupinus malacophyllus                           soft lupine                    Fabaceae
      map sheet  Machaeranthera grindelioides var. depressa      rayless tansy aster            Asteraceae
      map sheet  Mentzelia candelariae                           Candelaria blazing-star        Loasaceae
image map sheet  Mentzelia leucophylla                           Ash Meadows blazingstar        Loasaceae
      map sheet  Mentzelia mollis                                smooth stickleaf               Loasaceae
image map sheet  Mentzelia packardiae                            Packard stickleaf              Loasaceae
                 Mimulus angustifolius                           Mount Rose monkeyflower        Scrophulariaceae
image map sheet  Mimulus ovatus                                  Steamboat monkeyflower         Scrophulariaceae
                 Mirabilis pudica                                bashful four o'clock           Nyctaginaceae
image map sheet  Nitrophila mohavensis                           Amargosa niterwort             Chenopodiaceae
image map sheet  Opuntia pulchella                               sand cholla                    Cactaceae
image map sheet  Opuntia whipplei var. multigeniculata           Blue Diamond cholla            Cactaceae
image map sheet  Oryctes nevadensis                              oryctes                        Solanaceae
image map sheet  Oxytheca watsonii                               Watson spinecup                Polygonaceae
image map sheet  Pedicularis semibarbata var. charlestonensis    Charleston pinewood lousewort  Scrophulariaceae
image map sheet  Pediomelum castoreum                            Beaver Dam breadroot           Fabaceae
image map sheet  Penstemon albomarginatus                        white-margined beardtongue     Scrophulariaceae
image map sheet  Penstemon arenarius                             Nevada dune beardtongue        Scrophulariaceae
image map sheet  Penstemon bicolor ssp. bicolor                  yellow twotone beardtongue     Scrophulariaceae
image map sheet  Penstemon bicolor ssp. roseus                   rosy twotone beardtongue       Scrophulariaceae
      map sheet  Penstemon concinnus                             Tunnel Springs beardtongue     Scrophulariaceae
      map sheet  Penstemon floribundus                           Cordelia beardtongue           Scrophulariaceae
image map sheet  Penstemon fruticiformis ssp. amargosae          Death Valley beardtongue       Scrophulariaceae
image map sheet  Penstemon leiophyllus var. francisci-pennellii  Pennell beardtongue            Scrophulariaceae
image map sheet  Penstemon leiophyllus var. keckii               Charleston beardtongue         Scrophulariaceae
      map sheet  Penstemon moriahensis                           Mount Moriah beardtongue       Scrophulariaceae
image map sheet  Penstemon pahutensis                            Pahute Mesa beardtongue        Scrophulariaceae
      map sheet  Penstemon palmeri var. macranthus               Lahontan beardtongue           Scrophulariaceae
      map sheet  Penstemon patricus                              dad's penstemon                Scrophulariaceae
                 Penstemon procerus var. modestus                small flower beardtongue       Scrophulariaceae
image map sheet  Penstemon pudicus                               bashful beardtongue            Scrophulariaceae
      map sheet  Penstemon rhizomatosus                          rhizome beardtongue            Scrophulariaceae
image map sheet  Penstemon rubicundus                            Wassuk beardtongue             Scrophulariaceae
image            Penstemon sudans                                Susanville beardtongue         Scrophulariaceae
image map sheet  Penstemon thompsoniae ssp. jaegeri              Jaeger beardtongue             Scrophulariaceae
      map sheet  Penstemon tiehmii                               Tiehm beardtongue              Scrophulariaceae
                 Perideridia lemmonii                            tuni                           Apiaceae
      map sheet  Perityle intricata                              delicate rockdaisy             Asteraceae
      map sheet  Phacelia anelsonii                              Aven Nelson phacelia           Hydrophyllaceae
      map sheet  Phacelia beatleyae                              Beatley scorpion plant         Hydrophyllaceae
      map sheet  Phacelia glaberrima                             Reese River phacelia           Hydrophyllaceae
image            Phacelia hastata var. charlestonensis           Spring Mountains phacelia      Hydrophyllaceae
      map sheet  Phacelia inconspicua                            obscure scorpion plant         Hydrophyllaceae
      map sheet  Phacelia inundata                               playa phacelia                 Hydrophyllaceae
                 Phacelia lutea var. calva                       yellow scorpion plant          Hydrophyllaceae
image map sheet  Phacelia minutissima                            least phacelia                 Hydrophyllaceae
image map sheet  Phacelia monoensis                              Mono County phacelia           Hydrophyllaceae
image map sheet  Phacelia mustelina                              weasel phacelia                Hydrophyllaceae
image map sheet  Phacelia parishii                               Parish phacelia                Hydrophyllaceae
      map sheet  Phacelia sp.                                    overlooked phacelia            Hydrophyllaceae
                 Phacelia sp.                                    talus phacelia                 Hydrophyllaceae
                 Phlox gladiformis                               daggerleaf phlox               Polemoniaceae
                 Pilostyles thurberi                             Thurber pilostyles             Rafflesiaceae
image map sheet  Pinus washoensis                                Washoe pine                    Pinaceae
image map sheet  Plagiobothrys glomeratus                        altered andesite popcornflower Boraginaceae
image            Plagiobothrys salsus                            salt marsh allocarya           Boraginaceae
      map sheet  Poa abbreviata ssp. marshii                     Marsh bluegrass                Poaceae
image map sheet  Polemonium chartaceum                           White Mountain skypilot        Polemoniaceae
image map sheet  Polyctenium williamsiae                         Williams combleaf              Brassicaceae
image            Polygala heterorhyncha                          notch-beak milkwort            Polygalaceae
image map sheet  Porophyllum pygmaeum                            pygmy poreleaf                 Asteraceae
image map sheet  Potentilla basaltica                            Soldier Meadow cinquefoil      Rosaceae
image map sheet  Potentilla cottamii                             Cottam cinquefoil              Rosaceae
image map sheet  Primula capillaris                              Ruby Mountains primrose        Primulaceae
image map sheet  Primula cusickiana var. nevadensis              Nevada primrose                Primulaceae
image map sheet  Psorothamnus kingii                             Lahontan indigobush            Fabaceae
image            Ranunculus triternatus                          obscure buttercup              Ranunculaceae
image map sheet  Rorippa subumbellata                            Tahoe yellowcress              Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Salvia dorrii var. clokeyi                      Clokey mountain sage           Lamiaceae
image map sheet  Salvia funerea                                  Death Valley sage              Lamiaceae
image map sheet  Sclerocactus blainei                            Blaine pincushion              Cactaceae
image map sheet  Sclerocactus nyensis                            Tonopah fishhook cactus        Cactaceae
image map sheet  Sclerocactus polyancistrus                      hermit cactus                  Cactaceae
image map sheet  Sclerocactus schlesseri                         Schlesser pincushion           Cactaceae
image map sheet  Scutellaria holmgreniorum                       Ravendale skullcap             Lamiaceae
      map sheet  Selaginella utahensis                           Utah spikemoss                 Selaginellaceae
                 Senecio pattersonensis                          Mono ragwort                   Asteraceae
image map sheet  Silene clokeyi                                  Clokey catchfly                Caryophyllaceae
image map sheet  Silene nachlingerae                             Nachlinger catchfly            Caryophyllaceae
                 Silene nuda ssp. nuda                           naked catchfly                 Caryophyllaceae
      map sheet  Smelowskia holmgrenii                           Holmgren smelowskia            Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Sphaeralcea caespitosa                          Jones globemallow              Malvaceae
image            Sphaeromeria argentea                           chickensage                    Asteraceae
image map sheet  Sphaeromeria compacta                           Charleston tansy               Asteraceae
image map sheet  Spiranthes diluvialis                           Ute lady's tresses             Orchidaceae
      map sheet  Spiranthes infernalis                           Ash Meadows lady's tresses     Orchidaceae
image map sheet  Streptanthus oliganthus                         Masonic Mountain jewelflower   Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Stroganowia tiehmii                             Tiehm stroganowia              Brassicaceae
image map sheet  Synthyris ranunculina                           Charleston kittentails         Scrophulariaceae
      map sheet  Tonestus alpinus                                alpine tonestus                Asteraceae
                 Tonestus eximius                                Tahoe tonestus                 Asteraceae
      map sheet  Tonestus graniticus                             Lone Mountain tonestus         Asteraceae
image map sheet  Townsendia jonesii var. tumulosa                Charleston grounddaisy         Asteraceae
      map sheet  Trichostomum sweetii                            Sweet trichostomum             Pottiaceae
      map sheet  Trifolium andinum var. podocephalum             Currant Summit clover          Fabaceae
      map sheet  Trifolium leibergii                             Leiberg clover                 Fabaceae
image            Trifolium lemmonii                              Lemmon clover                  Fabaceae
image map sheet  Trifolium rollinsii                             Rollins clover                 Fabaceae
image map sheet  Viola lithion                                   rock violet                    Violaceae
image map sheet  Viola purpurea var. charlestonensis             Charleston violet              Violaceae

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