[News From Congressman Bart Stupak] 
For Immediate Release
June 9, 2005
Contact:  Adrianne Marsh
(202) 225-4735

Stupak Urges Michigan Legislature Not to Close U.P. Prisons

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Stupak Blasts Panel Decision to Close Prisons;

Says U.P. Unfairly Targeted for Job Loss


WASHINGTON – Last week on a party-line vote, a Michigan State Senate Appropriations panel voted 3-2 to close the Newberry Correctional Facility and Camp Manistique despite recommendations from Governor Jennifer Granholm to close a private youth prison instead. Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Menominee) sent a letter to the Michigan Senate and House Leadership urging them to amend the decision.


“The reason the state’s budget is in total disarray is because the Republican legislature continues to show a lack of leadership by choosing to cut off their nose to spite their face,” Stupak said. “They are so focused on opposing this Governor on everything she proposes that they would vote to destroy a town before they’ll vote for her recommendations. That is essentially what the Republican Legislators have done here. The closure of this prison will devastate Newberry and have unforeseeable negative impacts on the entire U.P. economy.”


In the letter to Senate Majority Leader Ken Sikkema, Senate Minority Leader Bob Emerson, Speaker of the House Craig DeRoche, and House Democratic Leader Dianne Byrum, Stupak noted that the Newberry Correctional Facility and Camp Manistique house approximately 1,144 prisoners and support 345 fill-time jobs. In addition to the job loss in a town with only 5,000 people being devastating, the ripple effect would cause horrific repercussions.


“The closure of this Newberry facility will have far reaching effects that go beyond job losses,” Stupak said. “Nearly 140 students in the Tahquamenon Area School District, about 13 percent of the total, have parents employed at the Newberry Corrections Facility.  Using the state education “foundation” allowance of $6,000 per student for education, the school district would stand to lose $840,000 if these families were forced to relocate.”


The proposal made by Governor Granholm to close the privately run Michigan Youth Correctional Facility in Lake County that houses 480 inmates at a cost of $30 per day more per inmate than Newberry. Reports indicate that the Lake County youth prison is one of the most costly to run in the state.


“I urge the Michigan Legislature to abandon this misguided plan and save the jobs at these prisons,” Stupak said. “I am communicating with the leadership involved in the next stage of the budget process to express my deep concern over this proposal. The Michigan Legislature needs to understand just exactly what is at stake if these facilities close. They need to put their money where their mouth is – they talk a lot about saving jobs, now they need to vote that way.”


Stupak said that after recent funding cuts to Northern Michigan University (NMU), the Upper Peninsula economy was unfairly targeted to bear the brunt of budget shortfalls.


“This is the second issue recently before the Legislature that unfairly targets jobs and funding to the Upper Peninsula,” Stupak said. “It seems as though the Republican controlled state legislature doesn’t care about the well-being of the economy or the people of the U.P. They have voted to significantly damage the economy in three U.P. towns. I don’t see that happening anywhere else in the state.”


Among the 15 public universities, NMU is one of the two institutions receiving funding cuts in the state budget proposals. The cuts equate to $50 million in losses over the next five years. Stupak said the cuts disproportionately affect northern Michigan suggesting a ripple effect could potentially cost 1600 local jobs.


*An actuality from Congressman Bart Stupak is available at 1-800-320-6091. Enter access code 2778.


***Note to Editors/Reporters: A copy of the letter is attached.



June 9, 2005


The Honorable Ken Sikkema                                                              The Honorable Bob Emerson

Senate Majority Leader                                                                       Senate Minority Leader

S-106 Capitol Building                                                                         S-5 Capitol Building

P.O. Box 30036                                                                                      P.O. Box 30036

Lansing, MI 48909                                                                               Lansing, MI 48909

 - Via Fax -                                                                                              - Via Fax –


The Honorable Craig DeRoche                                                          The Honorable Dianne Byrum

Speaker of the House                                                                          House Democratic Leader

Room 166 Capitol Building                                                 Room 167 Capitol Building

Lansing, MI 48909                                                                               Lansing, MI 48909

- Via Fax -                                                                                               - Via Fax -                                              


Dear Senators Sikkema and Emerson and Representatives DeRoche and Byrum:


I am deeply concerned and disappointed in the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Corrections decision to recommend closure of the Newberry Corrections Facility and Camp Manistique.  I strongly oppose this recommendation for a number of reasons. Besides the obvious economic ramifications these closures would have on Luce and Schoolcraft Counties, and the entire Upper Peninsula of Michigan, we must consider the impact of any possible court order “early” release because of prison over-crowding. 


As the Michigan Legislature considers Michigan’s budget for fiscal year 2006, I urge you to amend the Subcommittee on Corrections recommendation to make reductions in the corrections budget.  I further urge you to adopt the Granholm Administration recommendation to close the privately run Lake County Youth Prison rather than Newberry.  The Lake County facility costs $30 per day more per inmate than Newberry. 


A closer look at the facts demonstrates that the Newberry Corrections Facility is efficiently run and houses approximately 1,144 prisoners that would need to be relocated if this proposal goes into affect.   It is still unclear where these displaced prisoners would be moved. 


The Newberry facility supports 345 full-time employees.  In a county with a total population of only about 5,000, the loss of these crucial positions would be a devastating economic blow.  During a time when our State is already feeling the affects of a weakened economy, our efforts should go towards creating jobs, not taking them away from our smaller, rural communities.


Moreover, the closure of this Newberry facility will have far reaching effects that go beyond job losses.  Nearly 140 students in the Tahquamenon Area School District, about 13 percent of the total, have parents employed at the Newberry Corrections Facility.  Using the state education “foundation” allowance of $6,000 per student for education, the school district would stand to lose $840,000 if these families were forced to relocate.  Furthermore, the ripple effect of this prison closure would have devastating effects on small businesses, and the local hospital that make up the “heart” of Newberry.


Therefore, I urge you to reject the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Corrections shortsighted proposal that has the potential to cause enormous economic problems for Luce and Schoolcraft counties, the State of Michigan’s criminal justice system and Department of Corrections.





Member of Congress

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