[News From Congressman Bart Stupak] 
For Immediate Release
April 9, 2005

Contact:  Adrianne Marsh
(202) 225-4735

Stupak Comments on Trip to Rome For Pope's Funeral

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WASHINGTON – Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Menominee) briefed reporters this morning regarding his trip to St. Peter’s Basilica to attend Pope John Paul II’s funeral. He recorded similar comments that can be accesses by calling 1-800-320-6091 and entering passcode 2733. The following is a transcript of that recording:


Well it certainly was a personal highlight of my lifetime as being able to attend the Pope’s funeral and from faith point of view, and my Catholic faith, it certainly reinforces that faith to see all three great religions come together: Christianity, Judusiam, and Islam- to honor this Pope. It was something I’ll never forget. It certainly was one of the greatest moments of my life.


You know the Pope just demonstrated he was a universal pastor to all peoples and all worlds and all languages. Part of the service was in Swahili, Chinese, and Polish, of course. Latin was the main word spoken in the service. John Paul certainly had a love for people and people loved him. It was a real honor to be there. It was a sad but humbling experience. It was, by far, the largest mass I’ve ever been to.


I thought it was sort of odd that the last time I saw the Pope was the Easter Vigil in 1999 when my Wife Laurie and I were able to attend Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica celebrated by the Pope and the next time I saw him was Thursday afternoon when we got into Rome when we were able to view the body. So here we are at the foot of alter in St. Peter’s Basilica where the Pope had said Mass years ago and now he’s at the foot of the alter resting at peace.


But the most stirring moment of the funeral was when they were getting ready to bring the body back into St. Peter’s Basilica and they tipped the casket for one last look at the universal Pope John Paul. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the area we were sitting and we were there with Members of the Senate and the Parliament of Canada and, of course, the U.S. It was a very memorable moment. I was honored to represent northern Michigan and Michigan at this service and be just one the few Members selected to attend the Pope’s funeral.


One other interesting person we met was Jim Caviezel. Caviezel was the person who played Jesus in the Passion of the Christ, the Mel Gibson movie. He told us quite a bit about the history he said that they researched and studied while they were was there filming the movie. He was very interesting to talk to and he is a very devout Catholic.


It’s good to be back in the United States though. We have a full agenda this weekend. I look forward to talk to everyone soon.


And again, it certainly was an honor to represent this country at the Pope’s funeral.



Note: Stupak was one of 26 Members of the House of Representatives, and the only Member from the Michigan Congressional Delegation, to attend Pope John Paul II’s funeral.

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