Research at the National Archives

Frequently Used Acronyms and Buzz Words

"The Buzz" is meant to be a brief digest, so we may not take the space to define every acronym or buzz word used in our issues of the newsletter. Here we compile a list of acronyms and buzz words we frequently use. We note if it is an acronym or word commonly used in the National Archives, the archival profession, the library science profession, or the Web community. We also might link to an online resource with more information for your reference.

Acronym /
Buzz Word
Definition Type
ALA American Library Association Library Science Profession
American Memory Library of Congress collections online Library Science Profession
ARC Archival Research Catalog National Archives
DACS Describing Archives: A Content Standard Archival Profession
Digital Vaults Online exhibit based on the National Archives Public Vaults exhibit National Archives
EAC Encoded Archival Context Archival Profession
EAD Encoded Archival Description Archival Profession
Flickr Website for sharing photographs Web Community
Footnote Website for accessing and sharing original historical documents and stories Web Community
ICA International Council on Archives Archival Profession
ICA-ISDF International Standard for Describing Functions Archival Profession
ISAD(G) General International Standard Archival Description Archival Profession
ISAAR(CPF) International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families Archival Profession
LAC Library and Archives Canada Archival Profession
LC Library of Congress Library Science Profession
MARC Machine Readable Catalog Library Science Profession
NAA National Archives of Australia Archival Profession
NARA National Archives and Records Administration National Archives
Public Vaults Permanent exhibit in the National Archives in Washington, DC National Archives
RSS Really Simple Syndication Web Community
SAA Society of American Archivists Archival Profession
TNA The National Archives of the United Kingdom Archival Profession
Wiki A collection of web pages featuring collaboratively created content (for example Wikipedia) Web Community

Did we miss an acronym we used in one of our issues? Please let us know at

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272