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Blind Rehabilitation Service

Blind Rehabilitation Service Mission Statement

The mission of Blind Rehabilitation Service is to coordinate a healthcare service delivery system that provides a continuum of care for blinded veterans extending from their home environment to the local VA facility and to the appropriate rehabilitation setting. These services include adjustment to blindness counseling, patient and family education, benefits analysis, comprehensive residential inpatient training, outpatient rehabilitation services, the provision of assistive technology, and research.


Blind Rehabilitation Service will provide high quality care in a timely and appropriate manner enabling blinded veterans to acquire the skills and capabilities necessary for the development of personal independence and emotional stability.


"A Blind Center is where faith is strongest that blind people deserve hope, respect and freedom. These are accorded first, followed by the means of achieving them. Our civilization permits wholesome living when blind and here one learns how." 

Russell C. Williams

Learn about Blind Rehabilitation Programs 


Getting Help for Your Vision Loss:

The Visual Impairment Service Team (VIST) Coordinator serves as the initial contact person for getting help for your vision loss.  VIST Coordinators are located at local VA Medical Centers across the country.  They work to ensure that veterans with visual impairments receive appropriate benefits and services.     Contact the VA Medical Center neareast your home and ask for the Visual Impairment Service Team Coordinator.

Please e-mail Wanda Washington or Mike Williams in  Blind Rehab Service for questions or comments relating to this website.



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Reviewed/Updated Date: November 25, 2008