USDA Forest Service Celebrating Wildflowers

USDA Logo and Forest Service Shield

Pacific Southwest Region Viewing Area


Baldwin Meadow.
Baldwin Meadow. Photo by Shana Gross.

Baldwin Meadow

Forest: Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit

Description: The Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit is located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Both Forest Service land and Lake Tahoe straddle California-Nevada state line. The lake's elevation averages 6,225 feet, and surrounding peaks reach heights of up to 10,880 feet. Relaxation and recreation abound in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Please come and enjoy one of your national treasures.

Baldwin Meadow is located near the shore of Lake Tahoe and offers spectacular views of Mount Tallac in the background. After a short walk to Baldwin Meadows, a side trip can be taken to Baldwin Beach.

Viewing Information: The meadow is easy to access from Baldwin Beach. In mid to late July, the brilliant pink flowering stems of little elephants head (Pedicularis attollens) dominate the meadow. In addition to little elephants head, purple lupine flowers (Lupinus sp.), rose-pink bog mallow flowers (Sidalcea oregana), yellow graceful cinquefoil flowers (Potentilla gracilis), yellow monkey flowers (Mimulus primuloides), white margined hairy paintbrush flowers (Castilleja pilosa), white yarrow flowers (Achillea millefolium), yellow native Klamath weed flowers (Hypericum formosum), and yellow flowered Arnica (Arnica sp.) all add to the spectacular wild flower display.

Safety First: Summer traffic is often very busy so stay aware while driving and walking in vehicle areas. This is a high elevation area (6,230 feet), so beware of altitude sickness and increased solar radiation. This area currently has active horse grazing on it during a portion of the summer. Do not go into fenced areas while horses are present.

Directions: From South Lake Tahoe, take Highway 89 north to Baldwin Beach. Follow Baldwin Beach road; take a left at the fork in the road and park in the western parking lot by the beach. Walk away from the beach following the east side of an old barb wire fence to the meadow.

Ownership and Management: U.S. Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit. Phone (530) 543-2600.

Closest Town: South Lake Tahoe, California.

U.S. Forest Service
Rangeland Management
Botany Program

1400 Independence Ave., SW, Mailstop Code: 1103
Washington DC 20250-1103 logo

Last modified: Friday, 12-Dec-2008 17:39:41 EST