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Trouble-Shooting Problems With Log On or Access to Enterprise Planner
And Other Questions Revised

  1. Problem: After clicking on the FWS Operations Plan application, I get a blank page or a "Page Initialization Error"
  2. Problem: Why do keep getting a "Download Print to Excel" window when I've already downloaded it?
  3. Problem: I get a "page not found" after clicking on Log On to Enterprise Planner
  4. Problem: I get to to the Log On Page, but it says "User ID or Password Incorrect"
  5. Problem: Why is the connection so slow?
  6. Problem: I can't log on again. When I try, I keep coming back to the Application List page
  7. Question: Why does the icon change to a circle with a grid above it?
  8. Question: I get a message that my worksheet is "Currently being edited or annotated and is out of date". What does that mean?
  9. Question: How can I print or export my worksheet?


1. Problem: After clicking on FWS Operations Plan, I get a blank page or "Page Initialization Error"

Answer: Cognos was unable to download components to your computer. You must have administrator rights on your computer or the download will be refused. However you may get this error even if you have administrator. NOTE: IF YOU GET A BLANK PAGE, PLEASE WAIT. IT MAY JUST TAKE A LONG TIME FOR THE PAGE TO LOAD (wait up to 5 minutes).

Be sure your browser is set up properly. Check the status note for details on setting up your browser.

On Friday, September 16, a service patch was installed on the server to fix problems associated with running reports. Because of this change on the server, users will receive a new download of components automatically after you select Refuge Field Station Measures. This may take time and while you're waiting, you will see a blank page with a blue border. You browser should say it is opening a "...planning21.html" file. Please wait a minute or two. Evenutally, you should see a small window saying "Downloading 1 of 50 components." Wait until that finishes downloading. You may or may not get a pop-up window asking if you want to install Cognos Full Client. If so, select OK.

  • Be sure you have administrator rights on your computer and try to logon again. Enterprise Planner requires that your user profile has administrator rights on the local computer at least for the initial logon (this may be more of an issue at Regional Offices where most users do not have administrator rights).
    • Check with your IT administrator to modify your user profile.
    • Go back to the Enterprise Planner Home Page and Logon to Enterprise Planner
  • If you have problems, make sure your Internet Explore settings are modified as follows:
    1. Open a IE browser window.
    2. Go to menu at the top. Select: Tools > Internet Options
    3. At the Internet Options Window, at the General tab
      • under Temporary Internet Files, click "Delete Files" and "Delete Cookies."
      • click Settings and under Check for newer versions of the page, check "Every visit to the page" Click OK
    4. Click the Security Tab
      • Click "Trusted Sites" and then "Sites"
      • Under "Add this Web site to the zone:" type: https://cognos.fws.gov. Click OK
    5. Click the Advanced Tab
      • Scoll to the bottom.
      • Check the option "Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when the browser is closed"
      • Click Apply and OK
    6. Close all browser windows.
    7. Open a new browser. Go to Enterprise Planner. Enter your User ID and select FWS Operations Plan.
    8. The blank page will open and you should see the browser attempting to open a page called. "....cognos/contributor/planning21.htm l." Please wait. Eventually you will receive a small window that says "Downloading 1 of 50 components." After the download is complete, you should see your stations and be able to open your worksheet. Your next logon should go much quicker and without the downloads.
    9. You may also get a request to download "Print to Excel." This download only needs to run the first time.
  • If you still have problems, install the Cognos Full Client. Go to our Home Page (http://www.fws.gov/planning/Help/EP_OpsPlanWeb.aspx). Scroll down to "If you have trouble logging on to Enterprise Planner" and click on "Run Cognos Full Client." A pop-up screen will ask if you want to "Run" or "Save." If you are on a very slow connection, you may want to save it to your local computer, then install the program locally. Otherwise, choose "Run," and wait for the FullClientZip.exe to open (this may take a minute). When it's complete, you receive an "Internet Explorer Security Warning." Choose "Run", select OK and follow the prompts to Install Cognos Planning - Full Client. Follow the default prompts (you do not have to enter a new user name or company).
    • Log On again. After installing the Full Client, go back to Enterprise Planner again.
    • If you still have problems, uninstall Cognos. Go to Start Menu > Settings > Add/Remove Programs, and uninstall Cognos Series 7 Version 3. Also, delete Cookies and Temporary Internet files in your browser (Tools > Internet Options). Then go back to Enterprise Planner and try to logon again. If it works, the components will download automatically after you click on FWS Operations Plan. If it doesn't work, try to re-install Cognos Full Client, and try again.

Problem: Why do keep getting a "Download Print to Excel" window when I've already downloaded it?

Answer: The server sometimes wants to re-install Print to Excel. If you don't want to wait, you can cancel this download. If you can print your worksheet already, then you don't need it. If you have problems printing, let the download continue and see if this helps your printing problem.

Problem: I get a "page not found" after clicking on Log On to Enterprise Planner


Answer: You may have a problem reaching the server due to a local problem or the server may be temporarily unavailable-try again in a few minutes. If we know the server is down, we will post a notice on the Ops Plan home page. Now that Denver ITM has opened access to the server, we expect this problem to go away. If you continue to have this problem, contact your Regional Coordinator listed at on the Ops Plan Web Page.

Problem: I get to the Log On Page, but it says "User ID or Password Incorrect"

Answer: If you get a message "Your User ID or password is incorrect" try one of the following:

  • Make sure you use the correct Enterprise Planner User ID. You must use the station name as listed at the Enterprise Planner web site. This is your current Enterprise Planner User ID. In the near future, Enterprise Planner will implement Active Directory and the station name will no longer be used
  • Leave the password blank the first time you log on. If this is your first log-in, enter your User ID only, skip the Password field and click "Log On." You will be prompted for a new password. Again, skip over the Current Password (it should be blank), and enter a new password twice (once to confirm).
  • Your password may need to be reset. Contact the System Manager (there will be an email link on the Ops Plan home page).

Problem: Why is the system so slow?

Answer: It may be slow for a number of reasons. If the slowness has to do with something going on with our server, we can investigate the problem. If we know we are doing something on the server that might slow things down, we will try to post a warning on the Ops Plan home page. Sometimes slowness may be due to traffice on the connection between Denver and Washington or something may be blocked at the Denver connection. If you are experiencing unusual slowness, contact the system manager and we can determine if it's due to the server or internal network. Othewise, slowness may be caused by you local connection.

Problem: I can't log on again. When I try, I keep coming back to the same page

Answer: The "Logon Again" button at the top of the User Instructions Page does not always work properly. Close your browser, open a new browser and go to the Ops Plan Home Page (http://www.fws.gov/planning/Help/EP_OpsPlanWeb.aspx) and log in again. You may also bookmark the logon page or make it a link.

Question: Why does the icon change to a circle with a grid above it?

The little square or grid over the circle means that the worksheet is currently being edited or annotated. Once you close the worksheet, the grid should go away if you refresh your browser. If it doesn't go away, someone else may be editing or annotating your worksheet. You can check this by clicking on the blue triangle under the "Last Data Change" column.

Question: I get a message that my worksheet is "Currently being edited or annotated and is out of date". What does that mean?

Same issue as above. Your icon shows a little square or grid over the circle, which means that the worksheet is currently being edited or annotated. Once you close the worksheet, the grid should go away if you refresh your browser. If it doesn't go away, someone else may be editing or annotating your worksheet. You can check this by clicking on the blue triangle under the "Last Data Change" column.

Question: How can I print or export my worksheet?

Answer: While in your worksheet, you can use the File>Print menu to print your current worksheet. Look at the options to print black and white only to avoid printing a gray sheet. If you want to see the data in Excel, select Tools > Excel to see the current worksheet in excel. You can also use the File > Export to Text File to export the data to an excel compatible text file that can be manipulated for later importing. You should be familiar with excel to use this option.


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Last Modified: 9/24/2008