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Topic - Public Transit

This page summarizes Government Innovators Network content about Public Transit.

This section spotlights public mass transit systems including types of transportation, maintenance, and delivery of services. Topics include advances in bus and train services to articles highlighting the innovative strategies of authorities in charge of service delivery.

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Most Relevant Documents
Transit Supportive Home Loans: Theory, Application, and Prospects for Smart Growth (100%)
Kevin J. Krizek
Fannie Mae Foundation
January 1, 2003
New Urbanism and the City: Potential Applications and Implications for Distressed Inner - City Neighborhoods (90%)
Charles C. Bohl
Fannie Mae Foundation
January 1, 2000
Housing Facts & Findings, Vol. 5, No. 2 (86%)
Anne Canby, Steven Kinsey, Jacky Grimshaw,
Fannie Mae Foundation
The Portland Region: Where City and Suburbs Talk to Each Other (85%)
Carl Abbott
Fannie Mae Foundation
January 1, 1997
The Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis: A Review of Recent Studies and Their Implications for Welfare Reform (75%)
Keith R. Ihlanfeldt, David L. Sjoquist
Fannie Mae Foundation
January 1, 1998
Section 8 and Movement to Job Opportunity: Experience after Welfare Reform in Kansas City (71%)
Kirk McClure
Fannie Mae Foundation
The Social Goals of New Urbanism (69%)
Emily Talen
Fannie Mae Foundation
January 1, 2002

Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events related to Public Transit at this time. If you know of one, please add it to the calendar!



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