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Topic - Job Training & Placement

This page summarizes Government Innovators Network content about Job Training & Placement.

This section specializes in progressive workforce preparation and development initiatives ranging from certification programs, licensing, occupational programs, and adult and at-risk youth skills development. Topics covered also include reforms in the continuum of services ranging from degree and non-degree certifications, internships, occupational programs, school to work partnerships, and post-employment services.

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Related Awards
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Innovations in American Government Awards
January 9, 2005

Most Relevant News
Click here to read Innovators Insights, a bi-weekly roundup of news compiled by Government Innovators Network® editors

Most Relevant Documents
Section 8 and Movement to Job Opportunity: Experience after Welfare Reform in Kansas City (100%)
Kirk McClure
Fannie Mae Foundation
Toward a Comprehensive Homelessness-Prevention Strategy (97%)
Eric N. Lindblom
Fannie Mae Foundation
Recent Welfare Reform Research: An Annotated Bibliography (90%)
Kelly S. Mikelson
Urban Institute
April 1, 2002
Rubicon Programs Inc. (86%)
The Enterprise Foundation
January 1, 1995
Affordable Multifamily Housing Management Case Studies: Best Practices Review (85%)
National Affordable Housing Management Association
Trinity Arms: Community Family Life Services, Inc. (80%)
The Enterprise Foundation
How to Help Someone Get and Keep a Job (78%)
The Enterprise Foundation

Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events related to Job Training & Placement at this time. If you know of one, please add it to the calendar!



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