[Deschler's Precedents] [From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access] [DOCID:52093c22_txt-1] [Page 4459-4465] CHAPTER 22 Calendars [[Page 4459]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary and editing by David Paul Bird, J.D. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Introductory Sec. 1. Calendars of the House Sec. 2. Union and House Calendars B. Consent Calendar Sec. 3. In General Sec. 4. When in Order Sec. 5. Calling Measures on the Calendar Sec. 6. Precedence Over Other House Business Sec. 7. Measures Qualified for the Calendar Sec. 8. Objection to or Passing Over Measures on the Calendar Sec. 9. Debate; Amendment of Measures C. Private Calendar; Private Bills Sec. 10. In General Sec. 11. Calling Up Sec. 12. Objections; Disposition Sec. 13. Consideration, Debate, and Amendment Sec. 14. Private Bills and House-Senate Relations DESCHLER'S PRECEDENTS Ch. 22 [[Page 4461]] INDEX TO PRECEDENTS Adversely reported measures, referral of, to calendar, Sec. 1.1 Amendment to private bill debate on, under five-minute rule, Sec. Sec. 13.2, 13.4, 13.5 germaneness of amendment adding general language Sec. Sec. 13.7, 13.8 Bills improperly referred transfer to proper calendar, Sec. 1.2 Calendar Wednesday consideration of private bills on, Sec. 11.10 Call of Consent Calendar change of day by House resolution, Sec. 4.3 change of day by unanimous consent, Sec. 4.1 dispensing with, Sec. 4.2 Speaker's discretion as to recognition during, Sec. 5.5 Committee of the Whole, House as in consideration of Consent Calendar in, Sec. Sec. 9.1, 9.2 Conference report precedence over Consent Calendar, Sec. 6.2 precedence over Private Calendar, Sec. 11.12 Consent Calendar, consideration of advance notice of amendments, Sec. 9.6 five-minute rule, Sec. 9.3, 9.4 in House as in Committee of the Whole, Sec. 9.1, 9.2 offering amendments, Sec. 9.5 raising point of order against, Sec. 9.9 striking enacting clause, Sec. 9.8 District Monday consideration of private bills on, Sec. 11.9 Five-minute rule, debate under extending on omnibus private bills, Sec. Sec. 13.4, 13.5 for amendments to private bills, Sec. 13.2 for consideration of Consent Calendar bills, Sec. Sec. 9.3, 9.4 Laying on the table of measures called on Consent Calendar, Sec. 5.12 Motion to strike enacting clause of omnibus private bill, Sec. Sec. 13.10, 13.11 Objections by Speaker, to Consent Calendar measure, Sec. 8.5 reservation of, to Consent Calendar measure, Sec. 8.4 to Consent Calendar measure, as untimely, Sec. Sec. 8.1-8.3 Official objectors appointment of, for Private Calendar, Sec. 12.2 Consent Calendar criteria, Sec. 7.4 replacement of, for Private Calendar, Sec. 12.3 restoring measure by consulting with, Sec. 12.12 Omnibus private bills passed over by unanimous consent, Sec. Sec. 12.4, 12.5 precedence of, Sec. Sec. 11.3, 11.4 resolving into individual bills, Sec. 14.1 tabling part of, Sec. 14.3 validity and consideration of, Sec. 13.1 Passing over without prejudice Consent Calendar, Sec. Sec. 8.6, 8.7 private bills, Sec. 12.6 Point of order as to Consent Calendar timeliness of, Sec. 9.9 Precedence of Consent Calendar over unfinished business, Sec. 6.1 Private bills amendment of, under five-minute rule, Sec. 13.2 [[Page 4462]] consideration of, by special order, Sec. Sec. 11.5, 11.6 consideration of, by unanimous consent, Sec. 11.7 consideration of, with Senate amendment, Sec. 14.6 consideration on Calendar Wednesday, Sec. 11.10 consideration on District Monday, Sec. 11.9 extending time for debate of, Sec. Sec. 13.4, 13.5 motion to strike enacting clause in, Sec. Sec. 13.10-13.12 nongermane amendments, Sec. Sec. 13.7, 13.8 passing over without prejudice, Sec. 12.6 pro forma amendments, Sec. Sec. 13.13-13.17 recommitting by unanimous consent, Sec.Sec. 12.7 rescinding passage, Sec. 12.17 rescinding reference to Court of Claims, Sec. 12.16 reservation of objection, Sec. Sec. 12.8, 12.9 transferral to Union Calendar, Sec. 12.18 unanimous consent to address the House, Sec. 13.3 withdrawal of committee amendments to, Sec. 13.9 Private bills, Senate, consideration of by resolution, Sec. Sec. 14.2, 14.6 by unanimous consent, Sec. Sec. 14.4, 14.5 Pro forma amendments to private bills, Sec. Sec. 13.13-13.17 Public bills on Consent Calendar providing for payment to a class, Sec. 7.3 providing for payment to foreign subjects, Sec. Sec. 7.1, 7.2 Recommittal of amended bill on Consent Calendar, Sec. 9.7 of private bills by unanimous consent, Sec. 12.7 restoring bill to Consent Calendar after, Sec. 5.8 Replacing measure on Consent Calendar in subsequent session, Sec. 5.6 Reservation of objection to Consent Calendar bill, Sec. 8.4 to private bills, Sec. Sec. 12.8, 12.9 Restoring bill to Consent Calendar by unanimous consent, Sec. 5.9 by vacating previous proceedings, Sec. Sec. 5.10, 5.11 Seven-day requirement for Private Calendar measures, Sec. 12.1 Special order consideration of private bill by, Sec. Sec. 11.5, 11.6 Striking bill from Consent Calendar by unanimous consent, Sec. 5.7 Striking enacting clause of Consent Calendar bill, Sec. 9.8 Superseding Consent Calendar by unanimous consent, Sec. 6.3 Suspension of Consent Calendar for other business, Sec. 4.2 Three-legislative-days requirement Consent Calendar bill, Sec. 8.4 waiver of objection, Sec. 5.2 waiver of objection by unanimous consent, Sec. Sec. 5.3, 5.4 Timeliness of point of order against Consent Calendar bill, Sec. 9.9 Unanimous consent addressing the House on private bills by, Sec. 13.3 consideration of private bills by, Sec. 11.7 passing over omnibus private bills by, Sec. Sec. 12.4, 12.5 Private Calendar, transfer of, by Sec. 11.8 recommitting private bills by, Sec. 12.7 restoring bill to Consent Calendar by, Sec. 5.9 restoring bill to Private Calendar by, Sec. 12.13 [[Page 4463]] restoring recommitted bill to Private Calendar by, Sec. Sec. 12.14, 12.15 striking bill from Consent Calendar by, Sec. 5.7 superseding Consent Calendar by, Sec. 6.3 Unfinished business precedence of Consent Calendar over, Sec. 6.1 Private Calendar as, Sec. 11.13 [[Page 4465]] Calendars