[Deschler's Precedents] [From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access] [DOCID:52093c05_txt-1] [Page 297-300] CHAPTER 5 The House Rules, Journal, and Record [[Page 297]] A. House Rules and Manual Sec. 1. In General; Printing Sec. 2. Jefferson's Manual Sec. 3. Background Information--Power of New House to Adopt Rules Sec. 4. --Judicial Authority With Respect to Rules Sec. 5. --Amendment Sec. 6. --Applicability; Construction Sec. 7. --Abrogation or Waiver B. The House Journal Sec. 8. In General; Purpose and Use Sec. 9. The Journal as Evidence Sec. 10. Entry of Particular Proceedings Sec. 11. Reading the Journal Sec. 12. --Propriety of Business Before and During Reading Sec. 13. Effecting Corrections Sec. 14. Approval C. The Congressional Record Sec. 15. In General; Purpose and Format Sec. 16. Matters Printed in the Record; Civil Liability Sec. 17. Deletion of Unparliamentary Remarks Sec. 18. Correction of Errors Sec. 19. Revision of Remarks Sec. 20. Extension of Remarks --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary and editing by Evan Hoorneman, J.D., and Roy Miller, LL.B. [[Page 298]] Ch.5 DESCHLER'S PRECEDENTS INDEX TO PRECEDENTS Amending rules by resolution adopted after discharge of Rules Committee, Sec. 5.11 Amending rules, rereferral of resolution, by unanimous consent, Sec. 5.9 Amendment of rules by resolution, Sec. 5.1 Amendment of rules by unanimous consent, Sec. 5.2 Amendment to rules, effect of, Sec. 5.12 Amendments to resolution amending rules, Sec. 5.7 Approval of Journal by unanimous consent, Sec. 14.10 delay in, Sec. 14.2 motion for, Sec. 14.3 reception of messages before, Sec. 14.13 requests entertained before, Sec. 12.10 Bills, entry of, in Journal, Sec. 10.8 Bills or resolutions, correction of errors in Record in listing of cosponsors of, Sec. 18.17 Bills printed in Record, Sec. Sec. 16.1-16.4 Business, transaction of, before reading of Journal, Sec. 12.1 Change of votes printed in Record, Sec. 16.14 Committee reports printed in Record, Sec. Sec. 16.6, 16.7 Conference reports printed in Record, Sec. Sec. 16.8-16.12 Congressional Record and Journal, effect of variance between, Sec. 8.1 Correction of Journal method of effecting, Sec. 13.4 time for making, Sec. 13.1 Correction of printing errors in Record by Government Printing Office, notation of omissions, Sec. 18.11 by motion, Sec. Sec. 18.6-18.8 by resolution, Sec. Sec. 18.9, 18.10 by submission to reporters of minor corrections, Sec. 18.3 by unanimous consent, Sec. Sec. 18.4, 18.5 in listing of cosponsors of bills or resolutions, Sec. 18.17 in recording of votes, Sec. Sec. 18.13-18.15 prior to permanent edition, Sec. 18.12 Corrections of Congressional Record, recorded in Journal, Sec. 10.10 Deletion of remarks by Government Printing Office, Sec. 17.23 by motion, Sec. Sec. 17.13-17.18 by resolution, Sec. Sec. 17.19, 17.20 by the Chair, Sec. Sec. 17.21, 17.22 by unanimous consent, Sec. Sec. 17.11, 17.12 Discharge of Rules Committee and adoption of resolution amending rules, Sec. Sec. 5.10, 5.11 Electoral vote, recording of, in Journal, Sec. 10.5 Extension of remarks by any Member, in final issue of Record, Sec. 20.36 by committee chairman and ranking minority members, Sec. 20.37 by motion, Sec. 20.11 consent of House required, Sec. Sec. 20.1, 20.2 consent of Member yielding floor required, Sec. 20.3 during adjournment to day certain, Sec. 20.32 in Committee of the Whole, Sec. Sec. 20.12-20.18 on occasion of death of Member, Sec. Sec. 20.33-20.35 recognition for requests, Sec. Sec. 20.4-20.10 Extraneous matter in Record, limitations on insertion of, Sec. Sec. 20.23-20.31 [[Page 299]] Format changes in Record, Sec. 15.1 House Rules and Manual, resolution relating to, Sec. 1.1 Messages reception of, before approval of Journal, Sec. 14.13 reception of, prior to reading of Journal, Sec. 12.12 Motions for approval of Journal, Sec. 14.3 Motions to extend remarks, Sec. 20.11 Pairs, correction of printing errors in recording of, Sec. 18.16 Petitions, entry of, in Journal, Sec. 10.7 Petitions printed in Record, Sec. 16.5 Presidential messages printed in Record, Sec. 16.13 Printing errors, question of personal privilege of House raised by, Sec. Sec. 18.1, 18.2 Proceedings, entry of, in Journal, Sec. 10.1 Reading of Journal dispensing with further, Sec. 11.11 in full, Sec. 11.3 matters not in order until completion of, Sec. 12.1 matters which may interrupt, Sec. 12.13 practices and customs, Sec. 11.1 reception of messages prior to, Sec. 12.12 resumption of, after interruption, Sec. Sec. 12.21, 12.22 transaction of business before, Sec. 12.1 Recognition for request to extend remarks, Sec. Sec. 20.4-20.10 Remarks affecting colloquies, revision of, Sec. Sec. 19.3, 19.4 Remarks affecting official House proceedings, revision of, Sec. 19.2 Remarks interjected by another Member, revision of, Sec. Sec. 19.5-19.9 Remarks made out of order, Sec. Sec. 17.6-17.10 Reporters of debate, insertion of ``applause'' by, Sec. 15.3 Reports from Committee on Rules as privileged, Sec. 5.1 two reports on same resolution, Sec. 5.4 Reprints of matters printed in Record, Sec. 15.4 Rereferral of resolution amending rule, by unanimous consent, Sec. 5.9 Resolution amending rules, adoption of after discharge of Rules Committee, Sec. Sec. 5.10, 5.11 Resolution amending rules, amendments to, Sec. 5.7 Resolution, amendment of rules by, Sec. 5.1 Resolutions or bills, correction of errors in listing of cosponsors of, Sec. 18.17 Revision of remarks affecting colloquies, Sec. Sec. 19.3, 19.4 Revision of remarks affecting official House proceedings, Sec. 19.2 Revision of remarks interjected by another Member, Sec. Sec. 19.5-19.9 Rules amendment of, by resolution, Sec. 5.1 amendment of, consideration of, by unanimous consent, Sec. 5.2 amendments to resolution amending, Sec. 5.7 effect of conflict between, Sec. 6.1 factors considered in construing, Sec. 6.3 proceedings not authorized by, Sec. 6.4 rereferral by unanimous consent of resolution amending the, Sec. 5.9 Rules and legislation, effect of conflict between, Sec. 6.2 Rules changes, showing proposed, Sec. 5.5 Special orders, entry of, in Journal, Sec. 10.3 Type size of Record, Sec. 15.2 Unanimous consent, consideration of amendment of House rules by, Sec. 5.2 Unanimous consent, approval of Journal by, Sec. 14.10 [[Page 300]] Unanimous-consent request authorized prior to reading or approval of Journal, Sec. 12.10 entry of in Journal, Sec. 10.2 Unparliamentary remarks insertion of, prohibited, Sec. Sec. 20.19-20.22 question of personal privilege or privilege of House raised by, Sec. Sec. 17.1-17.5 Votes change of, printed in Record, Sec. 16.14 correction of printing errors in recording of, Sec. Sec. 18.13- 18.15 Withholding of remarks for revision, Sec. Sec. 19.10-19.12 Yeas and nays, recording of, in the Journal, Sec. 10.4 [[Page 301]]