[Deschler's Precedents] [From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access] [DOCID:52093c30_txt-1] [Page 11421-11424] CHAPTER 30 Voting [[Page 11421]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary and editing by William Holmes Brown, J.D., and David P. Gary, J.D.; Manuscript editing by Joan Deschler Bamel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Generally (p. 1) Sec. 1. Introduction Sec. 2. Stating and Putting the Question Sec. 3. Duty To Vote Sec. 4. Pairs Sec. 5. Tie Votes; Supermajority Votes Sec. 6. Finality of Votes Once Cast B. Non-recorded Votes (p. 73) Sec. 7. Voice Votes Sec. 8. Voting by Division Sec. 9. Demand for Division Vote Sec. 10. Interruption of Division Vote Sec. 11. Objections to Division Vote: Lack of Quorum Sec. 12. Determining Presence of Quorum as Related to Division Vote Sec. 13. Division Vote as Related to Demand for Tellers Sec. 14. Division Vote as Related to Demand for Yeas and Nays Sec. 15. Voting by the Chair on Division Votes Sec. 16. Voting by Tellers; In General Sec. 17. Demand for Tellers Sec. 18. Ordering Tellers Sec. 19. Appointment of Tellers Sec. 20. Interruptions of Teller Votes Sec. 21. Voting by the Chair on Teller Votes [[Page 11422]] Sec. 22. Recapitulations and Recounts of Teller Votes C. Yeas and Nays and Other Votes of Record (p. 167) Sec. 23. The Yeas and Nays; In General Sec. 24. Demands Sec. 25. --When Not in Order Sec. 26. Ordering of Vote Sec. 27. Interruption of Vote Sec. 28. Recapitulation of Roll Call Vote Sec. 29. Voting by the Speaker Sec. 30. Recorded Votes; In General Sec. 31. The Electronic Voting System Sec. 32. Requests To Alter Electronically Recorded Votes Sec. 33. Demand for Vote Sec. 34. Taking the Vote Sec. 35. Time To Respond on a Vote Sec. 36. Casting Votes After the Roll Call; Effect of Announcement of Result Sec. 37. Changing Incorrectly Recorded Votes Prior to Announcement of Result Sec. 38. Correction of Incorrectly Recorded Votes After Announcement of Result Sec. 39. Changing Correctly Recorded Votes; Inquiries Sec. 40. Effecting Vote Changes and Corrections Sec. 41. Announcement of Member Pertaining to His Own Vote; Announcing How Absent Colleague Would Have Voted D. Division of the Question for Voting (p. 328) Sec. 42. In General Sec. 43. Amendments and Substitutes Therefor Sec. 44. Motions To Amend an Amendment Sec. 45. Motions To Instruct Conferees; Motions To Recommit Sec. 46. Motions for the Previous Question Sec. 47. Motions To Rise [[Page 11423]] Sec. 48. Motions To Strike Out and Insert Sec. 49. Propositions Affecting Several Persons Sec. 50. Propositions Considered Under a Motion To Suspend the Rules Sec. 51. Reports From the Committee of the Whole on Amendments Considered Therein Sec. 52. Motions To Recede and Concur E. Postponing Votes; Clustering Votes; Reduced Voting Time; Separate Votes (p. 396) Sec. 53. Evolution of House Rules on Postponement and Reduced Voting Time Sec. 54. Postponing Votes Sec. 55. Procedures During Postponed Proceedings Sec. 56. Postponed Proceedings and the Quorum Rule Sec. 57. Reduced Voting Time Sec. 58. Separate Votes on Amendments in the House F. Delegate Voting (p. 469) Sec. 59. Delegate Voting in the Committee of the Whole Index to Precedents (p. 513) [[Page 11425]] Voting