
Contact: Janet Amber, NOAA               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 
         202-482-6090                       6/9/95
         Susan Ware, NOAA 
         Carol Smith Wright, Embassy of Canada
         Michele Lemay, Inter-American Development Bank


A big splash was made yesterday at the Smithsonian Institution's "Ocean Planet" exhibit in Washington, D.C., where the Department of Commerce's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Embassy of Canada co-hosted the first U.S.-Canadian celebration of 'Oceans Day' ever held.

'Oceans Day' is an international event that was first declared in 1992 during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. It is celebrated every June 8.

According to Will Martin, NOAA's Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, "Oceans Day is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to recognize the importance of the oceans and their special conservation needs. It's especially gratifying to be able to celebrate with our friends from Canada. We hope we can add representatives from other countries to future celebrations."

"We were delighted to participate with NOAA in celebrating Oceans Day at the world-famous Smithsonian Institution," said Carol Smith Wright, First Secretary for Environment and Fisheries at the Embassy of Canada. "Today's celebration complements the large number of activities and initiatives taking place across Canada to raise awareness of the need to look after the oceans and ensure their future."

"Oceans Day is an excellent symbol of the international cooperation needed to manage our hemisphere's marine resources in a sustainable fashion," added another Canadian, Michele Lemay, the Coastal Specialist with the Inter-American Development Bank.

Thousands of visitors to the Smithsonian's "Ocean Planet" exhibit stopped by the 'Oceans Day' tables in the exhibit's Resource Room gallery to pick up materials relating to ocean policy, research, and education provided by NOAA and by Canadian environmental organizations.

The next Oceans Day celebration will be June 8, 1996. Mark your calendars NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!