United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
Patients' Home > Basics > Hepatitis B > VaccineEnlarge Text Size:Small Font SizeMedium Font SizeLarge Font Size


Who should get the hepatitis B vaccine?

You may need the hepatitis B vaccine if you

  • have a chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis C;
  • live in or were born in areas where hepatitis B is common;
  • inject drugs;
  • have a sex partner who has hepatitis B or have multiple sex partners;
  • are a man who has sex with other men;
  • share a household with someone who has hepatitis B;
  • work in a high-risk profession, especially if you are a health care worker, emergency worker, police officer, firefighter, mortician, or work in the military;
  • are an international traveler;
  • are in prison;
  • receive blood products or are on hemodialysis.

Certain ethnic groups have higher rates of hepatitis B virus infection. You may need the vaccine if you are African-American, Latino, Native American, Haitian, Alaskan Native, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, or Filipino.