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This site is for the online application and management of the Public Assistance grant in Mississippi. Public Assistance (PA) is a federal grant program to aid State and local governments in returning a disaster area to pre-disaster conditions. A minimum of 75% of eligible costs is provided to primarily address the repair and restoration of public facilities, infrastructure, or services which have been damaged or destroyed. Eligible applicants include local and Tribal governments as well as certain Private Non-Profit organizations.

News Headlines

Aug 29, 2008 Upgraded

A full user guide is now available for the upgraded

Jun 27, 2008

Hurricane Katrina 2008:Q3 Quarterly Report Due

The QR reports will be due on July1st-July 15th

Feb 28, 2008

Quarterly Reports Overdue for Hurricane Katrina Applicants

An easy to follow instructional guide for those needing a tutorial on completing the Quarterly Report.