GSA Advantage Help - Product Detail

Product Information
The product information shown at the top of the page is that of the contractor selected. To view another contractor's product description and company information, click on the contractor name from the Compare Prices Table.

Compare Prices Table
This table displays the contractors and their varying prices for the same item. It is sorted by Global Supply item first, then price ascending. Use this table to compare price, delivery, Mfr Part#, unit of issue, minimum order, stock status, FOB, order increment, and socio-economic statuses. This feature allows you to make an educated BEST VALUE decision that best suits your needs.

Minimum Per Order
Minimum order for GSA stocked items is 1. Minimum order for MAS items is displayed on the Product Detail page. For MAS, minimum is based on the order size under a single contract. You will be prompted at the shopping cart if you are below the minimum. You will be required to increase your quantity or remove that particular item from your cart.

Stock Status
Status for GSA stock items is updated once daily. Since stock is being depleted continually the stock status is actually a snapshot of the stock position at that time. Though usually reliable, the stock status could become inaccurate for certain items having significant activity that day. Contractor stock status is unavailable through GSA Advantage. Please contact the contractor directly to determine if they have stock readily available.

Which contractors include shipping costs in their product price?
Contractors who include shipping in their product price will have "D" listed in the FOB column. This stands for FOB Destination. Items ordered through GSA Advantage are shipped via FOB Destination or FOB Origin.

  1. FOB Destination: means that the price shown includes shipping. Most GSA stock NSN prices include shipping.

  2. FOB Origin: means that the price shown does not include shipping. Origin pricing is common for larger items such as furniture but can also be found for smaller items. Shipping costs will be added to the invoice by GSA or an MAS contractor. Please contact the contractor directly to obtain specific charges before committing to purchase.
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