North American Native Iris

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There are about thirty species of irises native to North America. All belong to the subgenus Limniris, the beardless irises. This page is a start at providing some information on these interesting and beautiful wildflowers. Here's what's available now:

·  Distribution by state/province

·  Alphabetical listing - with links to descriptions and photos

·  Listing by taxanomical series - with links to descriptions and photos

·  Commercial suppliers of species irises

·  Photographing irises by Diana Louis - Some helpful hints on iris photography for those of us that are not photographers.

·  Other native irids - North and South American cousins of true irises.

·  NANI in the Scientific Literature - some selected references

·  SIGNA seed list - a list of SIGNA seeds available to everyone

·  Sisyrinchium page - photos of Sisyrinchium species

·  Photos from the iris patch 2002

·  What's new?

Links to more information about NANI and other species Irises!

Information about the photos and maps on these pages and their availability for use.

Questions? Comments? Drop me a line: I'm more thanhappy to try to answer your iris questions, but good information on culture of hybrid irises can be found on several web sites.  Start with the American Iris Society site and follow the many links you'll find there.

PLEASE NOTE:  Many of the native irises are threatened by loss of habitat. Please do not endanger them further by collecting plants from the wild, and be careful not to damage their habitat when viewing or photographing them in the wild. The only acceptable way to propagate plants from the wild is by collecting seed, and this should only be done in moderation. Many of the native irises are difficult to transplant and difficult to maintain if they survive transplantation. Sometimes starting from seed is actually easier. The native irises that can be readily grown in the garden are available from a number of commercial suppliers. Seeds are also available from seed exchange programs. Please use these sources rather than collecting plants from the wild.

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Last modified on 4/06.