Report Summary

Review of Alleged Manipulation of Waiting Times, North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System

Report Number 08-03327-35, 12/4/2008 | Full Report (PDF)

The VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) received a Congressional inquiry concerning the use of non count clinics at the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System (NF/SG VHS). We substantiated the allegation that when schedulers created appointments for some new patients, the use of non count clinics prevented the patients’ actual waiting time from being accurately assessed. However, the use of non count clinics did not distort the patients’ actual waiting time for established patients if schedulers followed proper procedures. We did not find that facility management willfully manipulated procedures with the intent to understate waiting times. Nor did we substantiate the allegation that leadership of the NF/SG VHS manipulated their waiting list to ensure the Director met his performance measures. We did not substantiate the allegation concerning the increased risk of double booking an appointment slot or the allegation concerning paper waiting lists of patients who could not be seen within 30 days.

The VISN Director and System Director concurred with the recommendations and provided acceptable implementation plans.
