A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Extending Learning Time for Disadvantaged Students



School consumes only a small part of a student's time. Opportunities for learning occur in the hours children spend outside of school, yet disadvantaged students often lack access to activities that will further their growth. The Title I (formerly Chapter 1) program, the Federal government's largest elementary and secondary school program, has the potential to support many new and exciting strategies for extending learning time. This idea book provides examples of schools and communities working together to provide children with more time to learn.

This two-volume idea book describes approaches that rely on a broad definition of learning time that includes traditional classroom instruction, community service, and extracurricular and cultural activities. The first volume, Summary of Promising Practices, is intended to serve as a resource for policy makers as they engage in planning extended learning opportunities. The second volume, Profiles of Promising Practices, is geared to assist practitioners as they develop and implement extended time programs in their schools.

Promising Practices

The programs featured here base their activities on goals specifically set to address students' needs. These goals promote high academic and behavioral standards and cultivate productive links between the student and the world beyond the classroom. Promising practices include:

The strategies provided in this idea book suggest ways Title I, working in tandem with schools and communities, can contribute to enhancing learning outside of the traditional school day, week, or year.

Other Idea Books Produced and Planned

Copies of An Idea Book on Extending Learning Time for Disadvantaged Students are available by writing the Planning and Evaluation Service, U.S. Department of Education, 600 Independence Avenue S.W., Room 4162, Washington, DC 20202, or by calling (202) 401-0590.

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