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 Unit Review and Quiz


Staging Sources: Unit Review and Quiz


Unit Review

Here is what we have learned from this unit:

  • Many sources in the health information record must be examined to determine the extent of disease and these sources are part of the diagnostic workup for the disease.
  • For most cancers, the report of the physical examination should include the location of tumor, including site and sub site, direct extension of the tumor to other organs or structures, and palpability and mobility of accessible lymph nodes.
  • X-rays, scans, and endoscopic procedures are useful for staging purposes and they can help determine the resectability of the tumor.
  • Cytologic tumor markers are tumor-specific substances in the blood serum or other tissues that can assist in determining the presence or absence of cancer; and they can help determine the initial tumor burden in both the primary site and distant sites.
  • Pathologic exams are microscopic examination of either tissue or cells, which is the most accurate method of diagnosing cancer.
  • The most important information in a pathology report includes source of the specimen, primary site, tumor size, histologic type of cancer, grade of tumor, and the extent of the disease within the organ of origin and beyond.
  • All surgical procedures should be noted in a written operative report, either as a separate entry or as part of a progress report.
  • Progress notes summarize diagnostic findings and patient status on a daily basis.


It's time to see how much you have learned from this unit. A true-false type of quiz has been created to give you an opportunity to reinforce what you have learned.

Since the quiz is created as an incentive for learning, rather than an objective evaluation of learning results, the score of the quiz will not be recorded. Instead, feedback to your answer is provided instantaneously. So, you may select another choice if your first choice is not the correct one.

These quiz questions are grouped into several sets of two questions each to reduce the size of the content on each page. When you finish the questions in one set, click the Next button (a right-pointing arrow icon located in the Title Bar) to proceed to the next page.

Please click here to take the quiz.

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