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ED359056 - Development and Testing of a Science and Engineering Fair Self-Help Development Program: Results of the Pilot Program in Three Middle Schools.

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ERIC #:ED359056
Title:Development and Testing of a Science and Engineering Fair Self-Help Development Program: Results of the Pilot Program in Three Middle Schools.
Authors:Menicucci, David F.
Descriptors:Educational ResearchEngineering EducationExtracurricular ActivitiesFamily InvolvementInstructional MaterialsJunior High SchoolsMiddle SchoolsParent AttitudesParent ParticipationScience ActivitiesScience EducationScience FairsScience InstructionScience Projects
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Publisher:National Technical Information Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161 (Paper copy: A06; microfiche A01).
Publication Date:1992-10-00
Pub Types:Guides - Non-Classroom; Tests/Questionnaires; Reports - Research
Abstract:In seven chapters, this report details the Science Fair Self-Help Development Program, which was initiated in a pilot project at three middles schools in Albuquerque, New Mexico, during school year 1991-1992. The purpose of the program was to provide guidance to schools in developing their own parental and community resources into a sustainable support group whose major function would be to assist the school's science teachers and administration in all aspects of the science fair. The report documents the development of the Self-Help Program and the results of the pilot testing. Seven appendices comprising the greater part of the document include materials for organizing science fairs and copies of the survey forms used in the study. (Author/PR)
Reference Count:N/A

Identifiers:Albuquerque Public Schools NM; Science Education Research
Record Type:Non-Journal
Level:1 - Available on microfiche
Institutions:Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM.
Sponsors:Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Education Level:Junior High Schools; Middle Schools