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33 great examples, ideas and inspiration for Celebrating Wildflowers

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3rd Grade Weed Journey
A Kids Journey to Understanding Weeds. 10 pages [PDF: 893 kb]
Alpine Wildflower Guide
An 8 page guide for leading wildflower hikes in the alpine. Although a draft, it is an excellent piece of work. Contributed by the Wenatchee/Okanogan National Forest. [PDF: 99 kb]
Aquatic Weeds
Homework and activities for the 5th grade. [PDF: 3.1 mb]
Blodgett Overlook Plants

A good plant list example. [PDF: 46 kb]

Celebrating Wildflowers Exercises
This is an excellent effort. Use and modify to suit your needs. Contact Lisa Croft for more information. Always keep thinking how an effort like this can be used in another resource area. Being "functional" kills creativity!!! 15 pages. [PDF: 211 kb]
Celebrating Wildflowers Brochure
A 4-page multi-agency Celebrating Wildflowers informational brochure. [PDF: 993 kb]
Celebrating Wildflowers Learning Program
Great wildflower activities for all ages. 49 pages. [PDF: 1.6 mb]
Darrington Wildflower Festival
Festival schedule brochure. [PDF: 763 kb]
Horses and Alpine Plants Brochure
A site-specific brochure about traveling with stock in the wilderness and preserving alpine plant habitats. 2 pages. [PDF: 1.2 mb]
Invasive Plant Paper
Complete with pictures and hands-on results. Contributed by the Pacific Northwest Region, Forest Service. Wouldn't it be cool to make interpretive signs from this paper for areas where we have noxious weed problems? [PDF: 988 kb]
Klamath Wildflower Book
Interagency cooperation is what it took to develop these outstanding interpretive and activity booklets for kids. One of three (Birds, Fish, and Wildflowers). Great graphics, clip art, activities and more. 33 pages. [PDF: 3.2 mb]
Knox Creek Wildflower Trail Brochure
Trail guide and excellent plant checklist. From the Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests. 2 pages. [PDF: 461 kb]
Lake Como Plants
Another good plant list example. [PDF: 17 kb]
Lewis and Clark Plants in Idaho
A superb 50-page document of "beautiful discoveries" of Lewis and Clark Plants in Idaho. Thanks to the Boise National Forest for this great piece of work. Wonderful photography! [PDF: 2.5 mb]
Noxious Weeds Newspaper Insert
Newspaper insert developed by the Wenatchee National Forest. Several variations of the publication were developed with different weeds depicted for specific areas of Oregon, Washington and California. 2 pages. [PDF: 452 kb]
Noxious Weed Display
How's this for a creative way to display noxious weeds? [PDF: 106 kb]
Noxious Weed Tags
Need some interpretive tags for noxious weeds? Here's two pages of them! [PDF: 34 kb]
Noxious Weed Protocols
A beautiful piece from the Allegheny National Forest for Invasive Plant Inventory, Monitoring, and Mapping Protocols. See how pictures and illustrations can keep your document exciting to read. 14 pages. [PDF: 2.4 mb]
Plant Display Plans
Plans for a wood and plexiglas wall mount to display herbarium sheets. [PDF: 28 kb]
Sawtooth Trail Flora List
4-page p lant list. [PDF: 22 kb]
Skalkaho Pass List
2-page plant list. [PDF: 83 kb]
Tin Cup Flora List
2-page plant list. [PDF: 93 kb]
Willoughby Plant List
3-page plant list. [PDF: 24 kb]
Wily Willy Weed Warrior
The Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests created a program that uses this script and costumes. It is used at the elementary school level to introduce kids to noxious weeds. [PDF: 163 kb]
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