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Statement: December 10, 2008 Print this page

Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher comments on the loss of former Chairman Martin Allday

“We mourn the loss of former Chairman Martin Allday, but we also celebrate him for his tireless public service and his vision in setting the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on the right course to establishing competition in both the natural gas and electric power industries. The country is indebted to Chairman Allday for his public service.

Chairman Allday was one of the Founding Fathers of FERC competition policy. Under Chairman Allday’s direction, FERC embarked on the restructuring of the interstate natural gas pipeline industry, culminating in 1992 with the landmark Order No. 636. That rulemaking, which required separation of sales and transportation services on interstate natural gas pipelines, is widely praised for helping usher in the energy market competition whose efficiency and lower prices benefit consumers to this day.

Chairman Allday was a gentleman and a leader, and earned the respect of FERC staff. He leaves behind many friends at FERC.”

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Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher
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Updated: December 10, 2008