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Uploading Course Materials

Note: You must be logged in to the CDE web site to perform this operation.

Students have access to course materials that are stored on the Internet for their review and use. You can upload course materials to the Internet in a variety of formats (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or PDF). Upload course materials for students using these steps:

  1. Click the “My Instruct” tab in main navigation
    image of navigation sidebar with my instruct highlighted
  2. Click the Course Number to go to the Course Detail page of the course for which you have course materials
    image of my instruct page with course id column highlighted
  3. In the “Upload Course Materials” tool on the right side of the page, click the “Browse” button to open the Choose file dialog box
    image of course detail page with the upload course materials browse button highlighted
  4. Select the course materials file to upload (currently, this must be done one file at a time)
  5. Click the “Open” button to identify the file to upload (the Choose file dialog box closes)
    image of choose file dialog box with file names and open button highlighted
  6. In the “Upload Course Materials” tool on the right side of the page, click the “go” button to complete the upload
    image of course detail page with the upload course materials go button highlighted

Note: The CDE web site will accept files of unlimited size; however, the larger the file, the longer it will take to upload and download.

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If you have any questions about this site please email: Mary Beth Kinney