United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National HIV/AIDS Program
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Getting Tested

You just tested positive--now what?

A positive HIV test does not equal death: It means you need to take care of yourself to stay healthy. Many people who have been infected since the 1980s are alive today, living healthy and productive lives. The most important things you can do right now are:

  • Start seeing a doctor or other health care provider. The VA is the nation's largest provider of HIV care and makes available to its patients all FDA-approved medications for the treatment of HIV and AIDS.
  • Make sure you show up at your medical appointments.
  • Stay in close contact with your health care provider. Explain how you feel and what you're going through.
  • Follow your doctor's instructions about lifestyle, diet and nutrition, and treatment.
  • Learn about HIV disease and how to take care of yourself.
  • Ask for help or support.
  • Now, read the section called Just Diagnosed.