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Understanding the Lottery Process

The lottery runs after the registration period, which is typically the month of October. That means it runs between November 1 and November 15. Personnel may ask how the lottery works, and whether it is fair. As a Supervisor, you should understand the process to explain it to your staff. The following explanation of the steps involved should help in this regard.

  1. The CDE Administrator initiates the lottery
  2. For each course in the current catalog, the lottery randomly selects from the approved requests to fill the course
  3. CDE system emails the registered personnel and their Supervisors or Area Training Coordinators (ATCs)
  4. If there are more approved requests than there is room in the course, the lottery randomly selects from the remaining approved requests to create a waitlist
  5. CDE system emails the waitlisted personnel and their Supervisors or Area Training Coordinators (ATCs)
  6. The lottery then produces a report of the final results
    image of the lottery process numbered as discussed in the text

Note: Requests for courses approved after the lottery runs will be assigned “Registered” or “Waitlisted” status as appropriate for the course on a first come, first served basis

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If you have any questions about this site please email: Mary Beth Kinney