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Changing Staff Member Status

Some of the reasons for changing a staff member's status might include:

  • The staff member's schedule no longer allows attendance in the course
  • The staff member does not have access to the Internet, so you must make changes for her
  • The staff member cannot attend due to other circumstances beyond their control

If, as a Supervisor, you must change the status of one of your personnel, you can do this from the My Staff page. Follow these steps:

  1. If you are not on the My Staff page, click the “My Staff” tab in main navigation
    image of the main navigation with the my staff tab highlighted
  2. Click the letter that corresponds to the last name of the staff member for whom you must change status
  3. Scroll the screen as needed to locate the specific staff member
  4. Click on the staff member's “Status” to the right of the course requiring change to go to the Modify Status page
    image of the main navigation with the my staff tab highlighted
  5. On the Modify Status page, select a new status from the list provided

    Note: The options provided in the Select Status pull-down list change automatically as appropriate. For a list of the statuses that might be included in the list and their explanations, review “Tracking Course Request Status.”
  6. Click the “Submit” button to finalize the change
    image of the main navigation with the my staff tab highlighted

Warning: Be very careful with changing status. After changing a status to “Not Attending,” changing the status back to “Attending” will place the staff member at the end of the Waitlisted Students list.

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If you have any questions about this site please email: Mary Beth Kinney