goto Indian Health Service home page  Indian Health Service:  The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives

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Requesting Review of a Course

Note: You must have assigned a Course Director to the course, and this assignment must have been accepted before you can perform this task.

After a course is fully defined, the Course Director must review and approve it for inclusion in the catalog. These steps provide the means of requesting this review:

  1. Click the “Administration” tab in the main navigation
  2. Under the “Administration” tab, click “Catalog” to go to the “Admin Catalog” page
  3. On the “Admin Catalog” page, click the Course Number to go to the “Course Detail” page of the course requiring review
  4. Click the “Edit Course” button to go to the Edit Course Wizard
  5. Click the “Approve” tab on the “Edit Course” form
  6. At the bottom of the page, click the “Request Review” link to send an automated email to the Course Director requesting a review of the course

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If you have any questions about this site please email: Mary Beth Kinney