Physician's Guide to Assessing and Counseling Older Drivers

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This Physician's Guide to Assessing and Counseling Older Drivers was developed by the American Medical Association in cooperation with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

The guide is in PDF format. Please note that the title pages of each chapter may appear blank; scroll down until you reach the content.

To order a free hard copy or CD ROM of the guide, please contact Lela Manning.

Introduction (PDF, 160KB)

Table of Contents  (PDF, 93KB)

Preface  (PDF, 134KB)

Chapter 1: Safety and the Older Driver: An Overview (PDF, 195KB)

Chapter 2: Is the Patient at Increased Risk for Unsafe Driving (PDF, 216KB)

Chapter 3: Formally Assess Function (PDF, 257KB)

Chapter 4: Physician Interventions (PDF, 206KB)

Chapter 5: The Driver Rehabilitation Specialist (PDF, 200KB)

Chapter 6: Counseling the Patient Who is No Longer Safe to Drive (PDF, 234KB)

Chapter 7: Legal and Ethical Responsibilities of the Physician (PDF, 193KB)

Chapter 8: State Licensing Requirements and Reporting Laws (PDF, 353KB)

Chapter 9: Medical Conditions and Medications That May Impair Driving (PDF, 265KB)

Chapter 10: Moving Beyond This Guide: Research and Planning for Safe Transportation for the Older Population (PDF, 168KB)

Appendix A: CPT® Codes (PDF, 162KB)

Appendix B: Patient and Caregiver Educational Materials (PDF, 222KB)

Appendix C: Continuing Medical Education Questionnaire and Evaluation (PDF, 166KB)

Index (PDF, 90KB)

Last updated: May 16, 2008
Content provided by: Aging and Community Health