News Release

USDA Forest Service

Washington, D.C.


Forest Service shield image

Contact: Joe Walsh, 202-205-1134


WASHINGTON, Apr. 1, 2002 -- U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Chief Dale Bosworth today announced a change to the Washington Office staff. Bosworth named Irving Thomas as associate deputy chief for business operations. Thomas is currently the director of senior, youth and volunteer programs.

Thomas, a graduate of the University of Maryland, has also served as director of personnel for the Forest Service. He worked as deputy administrator for management with USDA Agriculture Marketing Service before coming to the Forest Service.

"Irv's experience directing the senior, youth, and volunteer programs, and the personnel programs of the Forest Service coupled with his administrative background with the Agriculture Marketing Service gives him a familiarity with the full range of operational functions for this position, said Bosworth. This experience will be in invaluable asset to the position and the Forest Service."

Bosworth today also appointed Arthur Bryant to fill the position vacated by Thomas. Bryant received a bachelor's degree from Southern University and a master's of public administration from Auburn University. He is returning to the Forest Service after a two-year assignment with Coastal America, an interagency partnership formed to protect and preserve America's coastal areas. He previously served as director of watershed, and as district ranger on national forests in Alabama and Georgia.

"Art has demonstrated commitment and enthusiasm for developing youth and educational programs throughout his career with the Forest Service," said Bosworth. "His academic credentials in personnel management and his broad natural resources background will be help to further integrate the senior, youth and volunteer programs into the mission of the Forest Service."

Both Bryant and Thomas will report to their new duties on April 8.
