May 12, 2000 -- Babbitt and Glickman Suspend Federal Prescribed  Fire Policy
that Allows Prescribed Burns
                                            Release No. 0161.00

                                (DOI)  John Wright 202-208-6416
For Immediate Release:                                                     
(USDA) Susan McAvoy 202-720-4623

May 12, 2000 -- Babbitt and Glickman Suspend Federal Prescribed  Fire Policy
that Allows Prescribed Burns
     Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt and Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman
today announced the 30-day suspension of federal prescribed fires west of the
100th meridian, and are requiring increased levels of approval for such
prescribed fires.  The decision to suspend the policy was prompted by the
tragic fire at the National Park Service's Bandelier National Monument near
Los Alamos, New Mexico. 

     "Our top priority is to put this fire out and move expeditiously with
the recovery efforts for the families that have lost homes," said Babbitt.
     "This suspension is being instituted immediately and may be extended
beyond the 30-day period. Certain exceptions may be granted with national-
level approval to address high priority mitigation efforts in very low-risk
areas," said Glickman. 

     Prescribed fire is the term used for occasions when a fire is
deliberately set, under carefully controlled and monitored conditions.  The
purpose is to remove brush and other undergrowth which can provide fuel for
naturally occurring fires.
