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Randolph Churchill to Winston Churchill

H.M.S. Royal Scotsman 10 July 43

My dearest Papa-

Well here we are safely returning from Sicily. The whole enterprise in our section was too good to be true. Not a U-boat, not a torpedo bomber, hardly a shot fired in/on shore. By 6.0 A.M. the C.O. of the Argyles outlimited our small party who had taken the (island?) lighthouse of (?) to return home. I do hope it hope it has gone as well with the Americans. So far the ..?. is very non-committed.

Anthony Kimmins(?), the news broadcaster who was in Bulolo(?) going to ? on ? with me is here again. He will take a letter home & also I hope one I left on board ? last night if I can recover it in ? tomorrow.

I won't try & give you a description of the landing. You will already know more than I do & ? I saw was like a ? ? ? at ?

This is just to send you my love & warmest congratulations.

Your loving son
