Financial Analysis and Passenger Facility Charge

Airports Financial Assistance


The Financial Analysis and Passenger Facility Charge Program Branch is responsible for developing policy and procedures for the implementation of the Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Program by airports, airlines, and the FAA. In addition, the Branch works with Airports Regional/District Offices to prepare Final Agency Decisions (formerly Records of Decision) on PFC applications. The Branch is responsible for Letters of Intent, analysis of airport industry financial conditions, benefit/cost analyses for airport development projects, and innovative financing under the Airport Improvement Program (AIP).

General Inquiries

Staff Directory

Name Position Telephone Responsibilities
Joe Hebert Manager (202) 267-8375  
David Fish Program Analyst (202) 267-8818
  • Benefit-Cost
  • Letters of Intent
  • Financial Analysis
Jane Johnson Program Analyst (202) 267-5878
  • PFC (Eastern, Southern, and Southwest Regions)
  • Benefit-Cost
  • Financial Analysis
Sheryl Scarborough Program Analyst (202) 267-8825
  • PFC (Alaskan, Great Lakes, Northwest Mountain, and Western-Pacific Regions)
  • Financial Analysis
  • Rulemaking
Andrea Toney Program Analyst (202) 267-7038
  • PFC (Airline Bankruptcy)
  • Competition Plans
  • Benefit-Cost
  • Financial Analysis
Dennis Walsh Program Analyst (202) 493-4890
  • PFC (Central and New England Regions)
  • Benefit-Cost
  • Letters of Intent
  • Financial Analysis

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Updated: 4:40 pm ET September 2, 2008